Monday, November 10, 2003

Close Window Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace....
that means read at your own risk......

A hypocrit is someone who says they don't like the viloence, sex, and drug use in the film that's playing in their DVD player........ in other words, if you don't like what you see, don't look at it.....

i don't know, maybe that's just how i feel, and maybe i'm right...i guess also don't complain if when you look at something you only see what you want to see, or better yet, read what you want to read, allowing for a huge misinterpretation......

to those living in the house, all the events are normal, that's life for them...for the noisey neighbors peaking in through the window, everything's chaotic...who's right, those living it, or those watching it......well obviosuly not those peering in, if what tey tink they see is chaotic, they have a closed mind set, are only use to their norms and don't see things like they doesn't revolve around you, look around and open your eyes, we're all not blessed like you...

and sadly enough, this blog is directed at many a people....funny how everyone decided to attack all at once, different topics, but and weep cuz i've got free speech

let the postings continue......

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

You use a lot of "many a". Example: this blog is directed at many a people.
When is that use? Why not "this blog is directed at many people"?
I'm just learning