Tuesday, November 18, 2003


alright..i got to have something here....hmmmm, can't leave witout a quote...... oh, this is bad...

so the other night at target we are talking bout random things on break, like normal, who knows what go it going....but going off of a semi-car theme in my latest posts, i'll give you a joke....

Q: What makes helen Keller a bad driver?
A: She's a woman!

ok, yeah that was funny...and the latest car accident caused discussion while i was at alco...i said something to the effect, "this is why we don't get back together with ex-es"....(i show them the pic of the car)..."and that's why i don't let people drive my car, if it's going to be in any accident, it'll be on me..." then someone chimmed in, you let bla drive your car..then i thought, and started saying out the names of people who have drove Lucille...they tried to make a lier out of me, but really, the list, if that, is short....everybody knows come hell or high water i'll be damned to give up my car for someone else to drive, let alone without me in the passenger seat....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

that was a funny joke!
also, more than 3 posts on a 18th of November, yay