Wednesday, November 12, 2003


i was going to post something a lot earlier, but blogger was down for some reason...what i was going to post i'm uncertain, i think i was then as now i'm here, with nothing to say......

apparently there's no school today, a fod cancelation..i called that one last night, and yes it was a bitch to drive through this mornng as well....imagine doing 60 on 41 and not being able to see the side of the raod or anything in front of you...hoping there's no obstructions in the road....

so now i will get ready, no work tonight, i get to bum around like a...well bum, maybe i'll do of my ladies has already requested us to go out now, and i know i have to see lady o at work tongiht, so yeah....

i'm sure i'll be back wit some update, this is pretty weak....

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