Friday, August 30, 2002

Yeahh, the real Friday post

Ok so yeah, not a thing really happened tonight. Dewes did come into the store today...he questioned the paper towels, not noticing any alterations we had made. And he also questioned if the note was indeed written in blood, which the other note confirmed. Well that was his little send off, and those were his last hours in Lowell. What a bastard, I hope this complexes his ass even more, the fucking loser......ok sorry getting off onto tangents.... So Anthony came to town for the weekend and he, Jimmy C, George, and I all went to RtC. Jami gave me a call and she said she'd meet us up there. Our night went well, we sat in the corner booth in the back, Twan and Jimmy were disturbed by George and mine's flesh wounds from the previous night, and Jami showed up only to find her brother there then leave. One thing about her that pisses me of is the fact that she always asks me to do everything for her. "Come visit me in Hammond", " Come pick me up", "Nahh, skip those plans and come get me at my friends house", "meet me ehre instead of there", "i'm in the doorway of RtC, you come to me" She always pisses me off with that shit. So when she called me from the doorway, i told her i'd be damned if i'm going to get out of my seat to come see you who's supposed to be here anyways, and hung the phone up on her, with the intention that she would get so pissed that she would come over to our table then. well she ended up leaving and walking to our window, pleading that i come outside to join her, fuck that, i was eating a roll. Anyways we were getting ready to leave and the bill was like 22 dollars, and we had like 8 dollars for tip on the table, so as Sarh walked by I gave her a dollar and told her it was for being cute, she was confused to say the least, ha. We went on to our respect homes, but Georgey spent the night here, what a freak.

Thursday, August 29, 2002

Well my highlights of that day were the store meeting and cleaning the floors til 1AM. I got to run the store meeting all by myself, I started with an icebreaker brought to us by Icebreaker gum, ha ha ha, ok don't laugh. All showed up but my lovely and quiet Nicole, even Drake was there with the same pants he has been wearing the past week! Well we got a lot of things covered, and i think most of it sank in, Rachel Voss really impressed me that night with her workings. Anyways, Travis and Mike L. had a hell of a night, Me trying to enforce rules, and George letting them get away with everything. The closing of the night was just terrible as well, with talks of blow-jobs, roadhead between the two, and that smell you get when you finger Sheena Eva....yeah anyways floor...
Well that's tonight, though this is labeled under Friday, angry face, yeah yeah. I worked 8 to 4, with truck being there at the very start of the day, yeaaa. The day went by slowly, but did end. I showed Donna her terrible mis-spellings on office documents, and drew hands all over her sign that read "hands off", i love my Donna Lee. So I go home, and see a light flashing on the answering machuine, and I instantly know it's about my car. So i play it and it's Lowell body shop telling me that they just found more damage to the car, and I won't have it for another week. BULLSHIT. Oh lordy was i pissed, after i was told i would haave her back Friday, they tell me this shit? I went insane, the dogs were nowhere to be found, hiding from my wrath. I was so pissed I instantly fell alseep, in nothing but my underwear. I finally woke up at 630 and hopped into the shower I was preparing for. George came and picked me up and we went to Gary in search of finding the closing Ames store. When we got there it was closed out a looong time ago. So we went to Wally-World and Meijer, and ate at RtC of course. At RtC we saw Dewes with Bitch, whom didn't see us so we played it off the whole night, and Twan's brother Nick with a Texas collegemate studying from their law books. It reminded me of my ambition for Business Law, ahhh. Anyways went back to Lowell we went, I blog, I bled, I crushed the bastard....

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Trying, very trying

Yeah, as the title says, I'm trying my damnedest to keep this updated, but it is also very trying in itself, having to update it before it becomes midnight and such other shit. Not to mention having shit to talk about, that is actually worth my time writing and your time reading. The start of the day was an early one, George came over and built the 9155 he dropped off a couple days ago. It's a big ol monster, and i'm sure i'll put it to good use. For those who don't know what a 9155 is, basically it's a gigantic waredrobe closet thing. Well off to work after that, droppnig off my *sad* Speedway application, damn i suck, then once arriving at work, faxing over to SAFE a crap-ass resume. Oh well, nothing i can do about it. Not much went on at work, same ol same ol. Afterwards Georeg and I went to RtC and then to Meijer. Ya know, since RtC just had 5 girls go to college, adn 5 quit, maybe i should aply there? Hmmmmmm. Anyways, my highlight tomorrow will be store meeting, yeahhhhh, oh and floors.

P.S. My life is dulling down, withering away, and I'm loving it. All those fucks have finally gone back to college, I don't have to see them until December, by then, who knows if i'll even be alive. Ahh peace and quiet here in Lowell. I know I'll sleep easy tonight, I WONDER if you will???

Monday, August 26, 2002

Kudos to Zach

Well thanks to Zach, I am now apart of collegesucks. He walked me through the process, and low and behold, I'm if only I could get that comment thing...ehh, don't have to worry about that yet Zach, you've done enough for me for now. But I do have a question, just when and where will be your flag burning party? just as I was thinknig about it, I saw you posted stuff in your blog and on collegesucks, kinda weird how we both thought of it at the same time or whathave ya, but yeah.

Miss You, Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh; Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh; Oooh oooh oooh

Well I can officially say I miss Lucille. I was content with Jenny but weeks ago, I was right back in the groove of things with her, we picked up like we hadn't misses a beat. Everything about her hadn't really changed and I still loved her. But I knew to myself that once Lucille came around I would drop Jenny like there's no tomorrow. Lucille will be coming back this week in fact, coming back a new person, better than before, totally made-over, even prettier than before. Maybe I'm too superficial towards the matter at hand, I mean I did leave Jenny back in April for Lucille, and as soon as Lucy left me, I came crawling back to Jenny, and it's just going to happen agian. I still love my Jenny, and I'll never forget her, I just hope her heart doesn't get broken, agian.

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Salai's Goodbye..ditched!

Damn do people piss me off...I'm so distraught to even remember what happened yesterday, but I'll give you some highlights. i worked til 9 with George at ALCO. I was disgruntled from not being invited to DQ the night prior after only talking about it for 4 days! So george tried to make it up to me by buying the blizzard i wanted, only to screw up the order twice *it's the thought that counts* and on the third time, getting yelled at by the DQ manager for having the girl put in Nerds candy into the blizzard. All in all he got it right, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. And right before I was able to eat my blizzard, a speacial lady came into to see me, whom I haven't seen at all this summer. I was happy! A little bit later Jimmy C called requestion that he not be ditched tonight. I told him he would, but then settled with if he didn't come out to ALCO that he would. He insisted that he be picked up, but finally showed up at 9 sharp. Around 9 Vince came in, I invited him to join the group tonight and he agreed to go out us. In fact, when Dewes showed up moments later, Vince just went ballsitic on Dewie calling him a faggot and all, it was great. But by 9:15 the moods had changed, Vince decided to go with the earlier "faggot" dewes and ditch us. Even Jimmy was unsure whom to go with. Jill showed up and got in George's truck. I told Jimmy he was coming with us, ran to his truck and locked his doors, only to come back to see dewes standing in the doorway of the truck. I physically pick him up and moved his ass to the side. I yelled last call, and Jimmy got in. As we left the parknig lot I cursed the Fuckers nearby the BlueBitchMobile. We ate at our secret spot and had a great time on the way up, we even stopped at Salai's house to deliver his salt, his mother was ever so the pleasant and thanked what nice freinds Scott has. He He. Just before the entrance to the place we were saying bless you to a group of kids sneazing and walking on the sidewalk. I kept on talking to them as they walked by, telling them to watch out for the tree and such. As we drove by the yelled, "can we get in your truck?", and I said "Yeah, we're gonig right here". They saw where we were headed and quickly changed direction and chased after us. We met up and conversed lightly, I offered them to eat with us, but they had just eaten. One of the kids said I looked like a guy from the movie "Saving Silverman", whatever the hell that is. We enjoyed our meals, the kids were no longer there when we left, and headed to Lowell. But on the way we did notice two Lowell squad cars that had pulled over some random car way up where we were at, strange. We decided that since Lowell only has two officers on duty at one time, and they were way the hell out of their boundaries and even state, we were going to reak havok on Lowell. Well, let's just say the cake wasn't safe...anyway we called it a ngiht and went our seperate

Thursday, August 22, 2002

More Road-Tripping, Not to be Confused with Pie-Rollin'

Ok, so let me tell ya about yesterday....George and I had the day off, we had grandiose plans for the day as well. Geroge came over at 10ish and brought over the pieced out 9155, i don't remeber still wanting it, but hey whatever. Then we headed out to many ALCO stores across the northern half of Indiana. We drove past Demotte, and stopped in at Winnamc. There George loaded up his truck with seasonal goodies Gus still had that we could sell. We were there awhile, but I told George we had to get going if we were going to complete half the things on our list, including a trip back to Lowell to drop all the crap off. So off to Knox we went..what a hole that is, but it had it's bright points. I walked in from the "mall" entrance and saw Danielle, ex-Lowell employee, working register, so I swiftly came up from behind her and gave her a huge hug. Let's just say she was a little suprised, and then when she found out it was me, even more suprised (she's got the complex where she thinks i hate her). After saying our hello/goodbye's we headed over to Plymoth to eat at Christo's, part of the RtC chain!!! It seemed a little bit nicer, classier, and cheaper beleive the same atmosphere as the RtC near home. The only real strange thing about the place was the over-use of the words "honey/hun", or "there you be", it beyound pissed me off..well to some degreee, but I decided right there and then that one day, and one day soon, we would take a venture over there with a large group of us, with reservation on Sunday of course*inside joke thing*. So off to Nappanee to see the Amish having their buggies tied up in front of ALCO, then to Ligioner, some stupid ass town. Basically we were moments from Kendallville..agian, and the crap-ass state of Ohio. Made it back to Lowell at 9, unloaded the goods and starting making calls to find a pumpkin pie for the evening. Now as I tried to explain to George, if it ain't in season at RtC *with some occasion he he* then no other place is going to have it. After calling numerous places we decided to walk over to Wilco and Sarah Lee it. After alleging there were no Sarah Lee pumpkin pies, we gathered the pieces to actually make the damn thing. Heather met up with us in the parking lot and wanted and extravagent last night in Lowell, she settled for alcohol at George's while we made the pie. Salai showed up wanting to do something for the evening, so we let him join in on our fun for that night. Heather went home at midnight and we headed for RtC at around 230-3ish. We get there and blow the idea for the night within moments of sitting down. Melissa was our waitress, as she was for the entire restuarant, and started getting our drinks for us. We then realized our error and had her make just one strawberry shake (we were all suppose to order shakes, you'll see why in a sec) So as she is running around, then making our one shake, we bring out the wannabe shake flower ensemble. It was shake glass with orangish shake looking filler, carnations poofing out the top, with sprinkles, a cherry, and 2 blue straws *pics will be added later, maybe* So as she turns to set down the strawberry shake and start to say, "here's your damned shake", she see's our pretty little thing and realizes the error of her ways. She got off her shift about 40 minutes later and sat down with us. We presented the homemade, out-of season, pumpkin pie to her and she just melted. sarah earlier helped decorate the top of the pie with the RtC frosting...and I have to add that Salai enjoyed the sight of Sarah very much so, he couldn't stop saying how fucking, fucking, fucking, she was, plus a little tipsy at the time as well. Get it Salai! Anyways, Melissa wanted to get the hell out of RtC for she had stolen the "Please Seat Yourself" sign and didn't want to get caught. So we took her home and ended the evening, that was near 5:00, with George and I having to work at 8 to unload truck just hours later. Fun fun. Well that ends this session, blog ya later.

P.S. I was puzzled with what to do with my journal i had just boughten, Vince uses his to write songs, Zach uses his to write songs and poems and what-have ya, but tonight I found my calling. Now i am happy and fullfilled, well partially.

Monday, August 19, 2002

"Cleveland Sucks, Cleveland Sucks, Cleveland Sucks, Cleveland Sucks..." Sung to "Cleveland Rocks!"

So Cleveland or bust, well it turned out to be a bust. The city of Cleveland really sucks, I mean it's sucks hardcore man. Anyways, yeah, but the experiences Vince and I had, and the trip itself made it worthwhile. We left Sunday around 1pm, and headed out for Route 6, no expressway shit for us! We passed Amishville-Nappanne, ate out Kendall..I mean ate in Kendallville, 20 miles from the Ohio boarder) at a nice little place called Richard's, the food was good and all for a low young, atractive waitresses (RtC2??). We drove and we drove, finally made our way along the great lake of Erie. Such a pretty sight to see as the sun was setting, and also as we passed through Vermilion. God does that town rock, it has an F'ing ALCO. You could literally walk out the doors and see the Lake. God do I ever so want to transfer there. Plus, it was a livley little town..plenty of food places nearby, people out and about, a put-put place..we could go on. Vermilion is only 30 or so miles from Cleveland, and we were on our way...or so we thought. We drove for over an hour, and still no signs of Cleveland. We drove more, got frustrated, went in circles, finally got on 80-90 and drove another 20 minutes to Cleveland. What the shit? So we decided to go into downtown, see where exactly the RnR HofF was, get times, sight some parking, ya know. *Note: Vince had this thing "planned" or so I thought, obviously not if we were doing last minute research* After that we wanted to get a motel to stay the night. So we drove agian, and around we went...ended up in the ghettos of Cleveland til 1am. Fianlly we got on the interstate and headed south, drove for another 30 minutes away from everything and found several hotel places at an exit. Due to our cheapness and it being really late, we decided to sleep in Vince's the parking lot of the Baymont Inn. It was hot, uncomfortable, seats wouldn't fully go down,...yeah. We would only be able to sleep in fragmented intervals, something would always wake us. One time we heard all these chains and a truck, we thought we were being TOWED. HAHAHA. In all actuallity it was the trailer next to us being hitched onto a truck. Garbage trucks, fogging up windows, tossing and turning, fun stuff. We woke up to a commercial airliner flying very low to us at 6:40 in the morning, only to be followed by more planes, didn't fly at night, just to wake us up, grrrrrr. So we decided to go and eat at the near-by Denny's. After that we headed back to Cleveland, and ended up getting a parking spot right on the side of the RnR Hall of Fame!! And on top of that, the meter was broken so we put in 35 cents and ended up getting like 7 hours out of it. Anyways we were early and decided to kill the 2 hours we had with a walk around the downtown area. Basically it sucked, and there were hardly any people walking around either. So Vince was upset with the Hall of Fame, hardly anything Dylan related was to be found. And for my part, hardly anything Zeppelin was there either, had some good Stones stuff though, I'll give them that. After our walk around inside we exited and headed back for Lowell. This time we wanted to take 80-94, but the toll was too much, we're talking an easy 4 digit number for this damned thing. So back on 6 we went. I dosed off a couple times, but only for minutes, tried to stay awake for Vince. Got back to Lowell around 7:30 and have been trying to settle back in, but had to write the blog entry first.
Back in Lowell
Alright, get back in town around 7:30, get right back into things with a trip to RtC including George, Salai, and myself. Our waitress tonight was Sarah can kinda tell when people are starting to hate you. Anyways, we gave the halloween pumpkin thing to Melissa tonight, I actually remembered, and we tried the Chicken Shell soup. "Fish Girl" was agian by herself writting in her little book and smoking it up. Afterwards we went over to Meijer for a quick stop. We ended up finding the "Blue Day" book I sooo much adore, the "Meaning of Life" book by the same author, got myself a journal and pen to write nothing with, and we bought the last 3 copies of "The Giving Tree", it was a kick ass night, though my total was $45.00...ouch. Salai read "The Giving Tree" to us on the way home, it was touching, especially the Heather interpretation. After all this we went home, blogged, and now I am off to bed, with a couple quick phone calls, then back to the grindstone at ALCO, though not Vermilion...To be Continued..of course, it's a Blog.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Traditions in the Making...Anniverseries that are Breaking

So today (Aug 17th) was the big day for us Aaron Carter fans living in the Ellinois area. George and I went alone, Salai wanting to spend his last homo-eroctic night with Nate W., Vince having to babysit, Zach long gone, and the others..well they're fucks to begin with. Along the way down we took a trip down memory lane, just one year ago George, Zak D., and myself went down to see Bob Dylan at the Ellinois State Fair. So we decided that we must make this a tradition and go every year, next year hoping to bring our carnie Jimmy C to see one of the greatest Midways around. While traveling we had some interesting things happen....We had just past a SUV with Indiana vanity plates that read "UofMich" sending me off into a rant when I see in another car we were passing there was a NUN in the passenger seat. I've never seen a nun up close and in person, but damned if she wasn't there getting off the exit to the Town of Normal. Now what in the hell is the town of Normal??? I asked myself the same question. Apparently it's the twin city of Bloomington, whatever, I just quickly took my camera and snapped some shots of it all. While in Springfield we first stopped at Pennylane, a nice little shop devoted to music, like Greenfields in the mall. The downer of the night was when we went upstairs to see the really good stuff, only to be told that the Feds had confiscated all the "novelty" items. Damn, and I could've used a new hitter box. On that note we went to Lincoln's tomb right before they closed the gates. Got some cool shots while we were there for the whole 3.2 seconds. We got the munchies and decided to eat at Hardee's, where their new motto is "winning you back". The meal sucked so I don't know what the shit they're winning back besides pissy people. Now to the State Fair. Ooooooooh. The biggest highlight was being able to hear Aaron Carter and Triple Image as we walked by the grandstands. The fair was loaded with 12 year olds (no, Dewes wasn't there sadly) and slut-buckets. It was really disgusting to see this one 14 year old girl hanging on 3 guys, all of which were grabbing her ass as they walked around, boy are we setting the youths straight, and quickly. Anyways, we left, which took some effort getting out of the "$5 - I'll park as many as I want to in my yard- lot", and headed back to Lowell. While in the apartment, more Mexican Car fun, but this time we prevented any window breaking that may have occured. Well it's back on the road for me, my common-law marriage partner Vince and I are going to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio. We'll be back sometime Monday night so my Blog will just have to wait, merrrrrr.

*P.S. Notice that the dates of my Blogs are the next day, yeah well, I Blog right after my night ends, which is usually only hours after Midnight, oh well, maybe I should set my time back to Pacific or something.

**P.P.S. For those who do not know, the 17th is/was the celebrated day of Brooke and I's relationship starting date. Awww...I think

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Mixed Emotions and Broken Glass

So Zach said his goodbye's today. He came into ALCO around 8:30ish for his last stop, though nobody was around to receive them.......George who was supposed to work tonight decided to skip out on work and go to the Indiana State Fair with Jimmy C. In this ditching of his work duties, it kinda left things in a crazy predicament. Tony K. the new Hardlines manager whom, in my mind is incompetent as all hell, to close by himself. On top of all that, 2 just-trained cashiers were to run register that night...only to find out one called off. I was disgruntled by this careless of his store and took Heather home at 1:30 vowing I'd be back later, yet cursed the store when I spoke to George on the phone, hoping for something bad to happen while he was gone. Low and behold, the registers shut down and go offline around 2:30, this left everyone in a panic-stricken frenzy not only at that time, but for the rest of the night. So when I came in at 8, I tried my best to understand what happened, and helped close down the store. Crazy. Upon exiting the store...
Salai's Return.
Salai returned a little early and we had planned previously to take him out when he got back. George and Jimmy pulled up, and we had our exchange of words...Vince grew weary of it all and decided to head on home. Eventually I gave in, for Salai's sake, and went to RtC with them. Not much happened, Sarah our waitress was very kind, though she did screw up a couple of times. Melissa never did make my special drink, but did frighten us all with her new makeup style. From a distance it looked alright, but up close it was just too bright. Oh well, jimmy had fun coloring, playing with his food, burning things, ya know, the usual. On the way home we saw a car pulled over with 6 squad cars around it including troopers...brought us back to the Jackie incident, a knock, no buzz,

***TANGENT*** Am I talking to Brooke or her roommate right now???

Popin' Fresh
Get back to Lowell, decided to talk things over with George, and then we hear a popping noise. It happens a couple more times. George instantly knew what it was and said,"They're breaking windows". I went out to the balcony to see it and I turned back inside and said call the cops, but George was gone. I look down and there he is walking out the door of the apartment. I disconnected his always-online computer and called 911. The guy busting out the glass didn't notice George, and when he was finished, just calmly walked away. I ran downstairs, still talking with the police to follow George and the criminal. We ended up losing him, cops came and went, but didn't get anybody. Oh well shit happens. On that note I decided it was time for bed and went home, well home to blog about it. It's 3 now and I still have to get some sleep in eventually to prepare myself for a long day tomorrow...come in early to fix the mess from lastnight at work, then maybe a trip to the Illinois State Fair. Well goodnight to all, love and kisses from AP

P.S. notice how I've got so much to say right a couple weeks I'll hardly be updating and my life will agian be boring.

Friday, August 16, 2002


Dave, I hate the name Dave. These past weeks have been pure hell all because of some people named Dave. The name Dave now cuts through me like a knife. Dave, that annoying little sound, just like a misquito buzzing in your ear. I can't utter the name without a pause, changing the tone of my voice, and making an evil glare. It fills my throat with a heavy feeling and leaves me choking to die. Dave, if I had a life-threatening disease, I'd name it Dave. Dave, the cut that you can't stop picking at. Dave. The hemroid on your ass that hurts no matter what position you are sitting or even walking. Dave. I'd be content on never meeting or hearing about another Dave for the rest of my life. All Daves have underlying, self-indulging motives. Even Dave Thomas, the late founder of Wendy's, had to ben a bastard of his days. DAVE.....
Ha, it works!

Ok, having a little too much fun with this. So Zach says he's going to try and set me up with some space on collegesucks, sounds good to me yo. It seems as though I am jumping in at a bad time, I'm too late, I'm just going to get the death rattle of it all, this summer has been quite tumultuous. So much has happened; everyone coming back, change of plans - multiple times - life plans at that, happiness, lovin', betrayal, anger, backstabbing, then back to friends, mostly in the past week has all that happened. To those who know what really happened, we'll all die with that knowlwdge, to those who don't, well they'll die trying to get it out of us. It's better to put that in the way back of our minds and move on. Zach is leaving tomorrow to a future he knows nothing of, in light of that Salai returns from the East coast that night. Mixed emotions and a lot of filler. Well, it's 2:30 AM and I have to get to work at 8...or so :-D I'm off to prepare for a long, hard day..hopefully not too many tears will be shed. AP signing off
So I finally got me one of these here thingies...

Yeah, well, when I saw that George had a Blog, I knew my time had come. So here will be my thoughts, my what i want you to think are my thoughts, my lies, and a lot of everything else...including poor typing.