Friday, November 21, 2003

Drive it like you Stole it......

Still got the Impala..i guess the only cool thing about it is the fact i can cal it a pim-pala...but it's missing a lot of characteristics that would appear to make it pimp worthy....

I pulled into the Target parking lot the first night i had the damned thing, and i come raoring through, tires a-squeeling, just crazy like (about as much as i could with a V-6...)and i get out of my car and gary was outside smoking a cigarette and was like, "damn, i was wondering who that was...then say it park and knew it was driving it like you stole it.." and that's true, i'll run any damn rent-a-car into the ground...moreso than i do my car already....shit if i had the money, i'd be doing that with any of my cars...i'm being i'm just taking advantage of it and having my fun....

yeah, and since i get to target before most of the crew, i was inside doing my thing, and people had no idea if i was there or not...but when they found me they immediatly asked if i got a new car..of ourse i told them about my hate for that car, then they go into the schpeal about, "oh yeah, i saw that car there and was like, that's not jason's, but it ismost defiantly his parking job...." hell yes i have a characteritic parking job...

and i was gonig to take a picture of the car to show to ya'll, but damn, i forgot, sorry

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