Friday, March 27, 2009

to KAT

the anonymous..
and the confused...

Dear Kat, you sound like a delicious little dish - your prose and witty response reminds me of Amber..but you're not...just some fiery hell cat that i definitely have time for...

anyway, thanks for not breaking 'guy code', but seeings how you are a chick i don't think that applies, so the curtain of anonymity you are donning can be removed.

i think, Kat, you may have gotten the wrong idea behind my blog, and i will try to clarify any misunderstandings - i know it's a story and there's the old literary saying, if you packed it you meant to take it with you, but this time the author will try to communicate what was supposed to be conveyed the first time.

my 'teachings' as we will call them were more-or-less confidence boosters. i was more about the art of opening a set, breaking the ice, the initial interaction; as opposed to the latter potential or possibility part of the process, getting into the pants in this case...whatever happens after "Gary" opened a set and 'negged' or "dhlv'ed" is out of my hands..i was merely trying to get him to talk to women, show him they all don't bite (at first) i am all about meeting new people, making new friends, sharing stories, etc...there's a way about talking to people when you are out...whether the intentions are, well, whatever, it really doesn't matter..there's certain things to provoke certain actions, whatever...the hardest part for most, is really the simplest, saying hello - starting the conversation...

i thank you Kat for trying to relieve me of my guilt, but, in all honesty, i don't think i'm entirely to blame, i'm just one person - granted one person could be your guru, or messiah...i'm here just trying to help others out as best as i can...

now if it's out of my hands, why do i care about him womanizing or playing...because that's not what i taught him, and following what i said about helping others, i feel as if i should steer him on a better path...of course, who am i to say what is right and wrong, especially in pertaining to another person's life..who am i to tell them they can't fuck as many women as possible, or do drugs, or stick their finger into an electrical outlet...i'm nobody's parent (yet). but isn't that what a friend does as well...isn't a friend someone who holds similar values or beliefs - maybe goals or a certain lifestyle...whatever it maybe, you keep close those who want the same quality of life as you maybe it's a test to see where Gary stands...should he want to continue with a destructive lifestyle and disregard any help from his friends, wouldn't we just toss him to the wayside?

i'm not even sure where i am going with this anymore....all i was trying to say in the blog was, yes, gary has been that guy on a lot of occasions..but he doesn't want to be..and i know he can not's just this "hot streak", as he lovingly calls it, that he is on is really the death of Dr Jekyll...

do we have an intervention...are these blogs and comments helping to reverse the process of forever becoming Mr Hyde....just what do we do - tell all the girls he's fooling around with to stop talking to him? how effective would that be...Gary is a danger to not only other women at this point, but in a greater sense, to himself...once someone gets that 'i'm single and i can do whomever i want' bug in them, it's hard to get it out..

there's a whole other side to gary you may not be familiar with, and even though it wasn't good for him then, i'd almost rather have it back presently...but, from a psychological standpoint, the transgression between the two is an easy lapse i was saying, gary was prone to fall in love with any girl that gave him the time of his last relationship his workplace took bets to see how soon he would say the dreaded words "i love you" to the girl (i won with 2 weeks)..

it's just clingy insecurities....and now that he has throngs of women hanging off of him he feels as if he has succeeded in something, finally, in his life...back to the highschool comment...we could go further with this, but this blog is long enough

so longblog short; my teachings were really a guide to meeting people, they weren't meant for or responsible for gary hooking up with many women, maybe gary is that guy, and if so, what, if anything, should be done about we just sit idly by and watch it all we allow gary to play the game, only to get burnt in the end by another player...just what should be done so that he is not a 'frail, insecure little man' anymore?

it's getting late and i was tired four hours ago...this day, like this blog, has run on long enough without any constructive direction...goodnight.

"it's just like in karate where they tell you 'what we teach you here is meant as a last resort'"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

To The Roommate, Again

Part Deux...
Part Duh...

Why did I actually think that my blogging would actually help?

Who am I to try and help a guy out, help a friend out - change comes from within and usually takes 21 times....well, I don’t have time for 21 times..and you can only change if you want to change....

Gandhi said be the change you wish to see in the world, then he killed himself...ok, not really, but that would have been fitting..somebody really needs to do that

So the blog was read by my roommate Gary after I tipped him off...he made someback-hand comment to which I replied with something along the lines with, “remember when you broke guy code and I blogged about it” granted this was two days later, everything I write about is in some sick way a bit of foreshadowing in my we need to go back to one of the first blogs that got me going last year...

As I was saying, gary, while out on the in-spite of Jangus date, was tipped off by me, then phil about the blog, so he grabbed the girls computer and read the infamous article - mind you he also told her she was not allowed to read it sadly enough..

It was then and there he wanted to make a change..apparently the words I spewed out cut like a firey knife...everything I mentioned, sadly, was true - confirmed by other friends within the circle of which gary still believes not everything was completely the truth...

Regardless...he came home last night and he went straight to his room only to come out five minutes later...i was going to talk to him about everything as soon as I saw him, but I needed to finish my sandwich I just made myself - caring I know...

We talked, I had to open with a hug and tell him I didn’t hate him, I just hated what he had become, because I knew he could be so much better. He seem visibly shaken with everything, but it all came to a crashing halt when word got back to one of his most recent ‘conquests’ - EmEl - in which she was told it was probably not a good idea to be hanging out with him

*Backstory - EmEl’s friend mickee (a chick don’t worry) came over to study with me - we arrived at the apt almost the same time, which ended up being only five minutes before gary showed up..but it was within those five minutes that she got a brief rundown on where gary was - she kept true to her girl code and warned her friend...but did I break guy code by divulging too much information...again, as my last blog opened, I can only take so much before insert something here and in all respect I have been pretty faithful to guy code - given example of a message I was supposed to relay to gary about one girl in front, but it happened to be at a time when a different girl was present, I pretended as if I forgot what I was supposed to say...

so now gary starts fighting for EmEl - saying all the things guys who get backed into a corner say...she’s the one he wants to be with..but in the same breath he also states that he’s not ready to settle down, he’s “enjoying his time being single” - as if this is the first time in a long time he’s been single...NO

I can say I’ve been in a similar boat, more like a ship..and in an entirely different bed of water...he’s just so happy that he’s “on a hot streak” after being cold for so long....this wishy-washy state of wanting your cake and eating it too can only do major damage if not stopped dead in it’s tracks

We talk til 230 in the morning - I work at 6am mind you - and I think there’s some progress being made until he says the lines, “I really want to be with EmEl...she’s the one I am most interested in............i still think I’m going to fuck kooliho

On that note...*sigh* shakes head and walks away....

"You want to have your cake and eat it can't do that...and even if you're upfront and honest to the cake, you're still a fucking douchetool"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

To My Roommate

The gariest of garys
the worst of the worse...

honestly i can only take so much of something before it ends up on my blog

now i will start off saying i mean this all in the nicest possible way..i can...granted i know what follows is nothing nice to say, i say this all as maybe a way or form of self-help for the individuals involved....that being said, i will expunge....

so my roommate has taken a turn for, what i would like to call, the worse - this happens often when you are around me i've come to find out - but what's worse is that he's taken my teachings and gone to the dark side, so to speak...and now he's a complete typical womanizer in the worst way...

let me go didn't start with me, please...he is a text book shallowly conceited self-conscious person...he's the typical 'was the fat guy in he goes to the gym, tans, wears designer clothes, and is completely self absorbed with his image' - we had one not too long ago back in Btown, a friend with an eating disorder and a problem with alcohol...but at least he had brains to hate the world with in a bitter fashion (hence the drinking problem)

but back to gary, the real problem at hand. so fast forward to more recent times, mardi gras..i took this cat down to bloomington to celebrate and have a great time with - which we did - which started off this whole new-found love/bloomington was then and there that i tried to explain to him some of the essentials for how to pick up woman, mystery-esque, for those of you who have maybe witnessed the VH1 show - just a little bit of social engineering. but maybe i pushed him too far...maybe he took the training into overdrive because he, well, has turned into a soulless person...'s like he's back in highschool where it's "cool" to see how many different girls you can if the amount of pussy you get somehow determines your value in society.

now you might be reading this and say, how is that any different than the jangus method of womanizing...well, let me tell you, in short...the systems i have with woman are of a complex, and lengthy matter - there's a story for everyone in my life...and, well, i cause woman to fall in love with me...that's my shtick i guess...when the creator was given out abilities to all the soul about to be born, i got "having every woman you meet fall in love with you, for at leat a moment"...yeah, the person behind me got "professional athlete", fricking Clint Dempsey....

i won't go into detail with my deal any further..that's a whole nother blog...back to Gary it's just not the womanizing that gets me, it's that he thinks he's a 'good person', or 'not that guy' the entire time - it's this curtain hanging in his room at his parent's house from reality that i want to burn down and make him grow the eff up. we've tried having interventions with him, the other roommate phil has made comments to him several times about everything i am saying right now...but to no avail...he wishes to be 'not that guy', but it couldn't further from the truth..and what's even more messed up is that he thinks that people think he's 'not that guy' and so he wants to keep up that impression..but people see through it, and just like the penguin that meows, people look at him like he's a fool..

but the icing on the cake, to go along with 'not being that guy' is his total disregard for any sort of 'guy code'. He tries to fuck friends, family, exes...whatever has the time for him he'll try to put his dick in...and here's where personal experience comes into my rant so no longer can it be unbiased as i have been burned on several accounts by his ignorance...

i know nobody of importance will read this, as all his friends and flappers are not my friends - i keep my worlds separated, but he can't say the same thing...ironically enough it is just the opposite in the case of my friends..he likes to add anyone i've ever known for some reason..and to anyone that will make the claim that i'm 'jealous'...really? please, i have my own following and herem...

so if anybody cares, do something...if not, we have a 26 year old highschooler on our hands..

"i'm sexting like 3 girls at once...or....i totally could have fucked her"

Thursday, March 19, 2009


no times for grammar....

So what's all this hype about this "Cas/Lax/Thurs" I've been hearing about?!

well, let me tell you.....Cas/Lax/Thurs, or CLT for the time being..because in honor of the day i'm getting tired of even giving you the short-hand version, is, well, in short..a day of 'keeping it real' Despite what you may think, it is not a day of rest. However it is a day for relaxing - not stressing out - not getting excited, just a very mellow day.

The name originates from Casual, for the Cas - Relaxed, or Lax - and Thursday turned to the shirthand version of Thurs...put it together and what do you get - Cas/Lax/Thurs....or CLT for the moment...

So what do you do on CLT? well, it's really no different from any other day except for the fact you just tone it down...take it from an eleven to about a bring your "C" game to no longer possess that 'sense of urgency' because you don't need to...on CLT you just go about you daily routine and kick back, soaking life up while you go about your mundane life...

yes that's a way CLT is all about taking the time to appreciate the little things in life - sure we all kid and joke around with how we half-ass the day, but it's in the 'not caring' (as much) that we focus on the essentials we've all been missing out on...

it's taking your mind off of all the things that have been troubling you those other non-relax days - it's where the rules and specs and shit like that are kicked to the wayside - it's like the sabbath for those who don't care as's prepping you for the much needed is what it is, it's what we do, or rather what we don't do...its cas/lax/thurs...

"Wait...did you just say Cas/Lax/Thurs could be said as 'CLiT'?!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Keeping it Alive

it's like a pep rally...
for the light-hearted..

i got to say something, even when there's nothing to say...

so yesterday was St Patty's Day and i did eventually make it out to the bars to enjoy a nice frosty Guinness. All in all it was an enjoyable night, i guess you can say..met up with an old co-worker, met up with two ladies, ate at a new place (always a highlight for me), and stayed out decently late.

i guess i'm not much up for going out still, not quite 100% - this cough makes me wish it were the end..i love not getting enough air as i hack out the remaining breath all the while forcing mucus out from my lungs as my ears's a joy, really, try it sometime....

i've been on a paranormal kick..or i've just been watching too much TV now that i've had a week off from doing any sort of work..i've watched plenty of the ghost hunters i dvrd, followed up with paranormal state, scariest places on earth, and of course, start doing this and getting back into it...but, that's a pipe dream

gary brought over some random man/chick last night..he claims he scored....he is that guy so who knows..because after all, he is that guy

i plan on actually going into work tomorrow...even if it is a 6am shift, a pointless shift most of the times, but it wouldn't be cas/lax/thurs if i didn't work it...i miss some of the people from there at times, but maybe i feel as if my presence, or lack there of, really matters...sidenote, i plan on also not we will see how long i actually last at work..i think i look fine...

oh, the most noteworthy thing from today was gary not leaving for nashville...apparently he overdrafted his bank account, so he had to use his vacation/rent money to pull him back into the positive...ohh those fees, they'll get you...but the plus side is...we finally got to eat at Fiesta favorite little eatery located near us..see, the plan was to eat there yesterday, as we generally do on Tuesdays...but the little fucker gary stood me up...then came home drunk after 10 trying to get me to come out....well, i can't turn down a Guinness so i went out...and as karma would have it, the card he used to buy my drink was connected to his bank account....not saying my drink is what made it go over...but i'm sure it helped ;-)

"Nobody cares!!!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patty's Day


good things happen on spring break...

Woooooo..March has a lot of things to celebrate, what with Pi Day, the Ides of March, March Madness, Daylight Saving Time, and of course, St Patrick's Day it's hard to muster up the strength to pull myself out of bed and throw something green on - or maybe it's still the cold talking

i realized this morning that in light of my illness i had not been on par with my daily hygiene, so to speak - in fact during my friday into sunday slumber i had been awake maybe a total of twenty minutes..eyes open for a third of that really...and i used the bathroom, what, twice, if that..

So it was after all this i realized that the green i had been donning wasn't something i particularly should of the pluses of being sick is you cannot smell just how bad you (may) wreak

awesome..on that note i shower..but i don't shave, i leave the scruffy facial hair, makes me feel like some sort of a know it's not often in my life i get to keep the facial hair, everywhere i've ever worked has always frowned upon i'll take what i can get in the meantime...

speaking of work - i got a voicemail today from work, asking not only where i was, but having the audacity to tell me that 'word is' that my facebook status updates say that i am doing well..but not at work.. *breathe* every time i start to talk about this i get furious..for like five reasons...first of all i have only made 4 updates in the past six days...if that isn't a sign that i'm sick, i don't know what is....and whoooo the helllll is telling management about my facebook status updates..especially inacurratly...ughh..makes me wanna burn that place to the ground...

so with all that being's St Patty's Day...forget about all the cares in the world, grab a Guinness, wear a little green, and start a's you're god given Irish right!

"I may be deathly ill..but i swear i'll kick someone's ass today.."

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Got To Do This...

consider it a come-back
consider it re-born

consider this as my last attempt, the death rattle if you will....

let me give you a quick update...i'm sick, very very sick (and no, not in the typical sense that you are all thinking of, i'm speaking of my health, not mental state...) Today has been the first day since friday that i've stayed awake for more than ten minutes - still lack a sense of smell and taste - although i know for a fact nyquil tastes like piss.

work was shitty with me since i slept through some shifts..i mean, i called them sick on thursday night letting them know...then i woke up on sunday..i'm sorry my illness didn't have an alarm set to call off...that and the fact my roommate had been telling work the entire time i was in no shape to do anything should have given them the hint, guess not...

but enough about me being deathly ill and looking like bret farve on these beautiful spring-like days, on to what's at hand..this stupid blog...

somebody should make a note, my typing is impeccable right now (somehow i managed to spell stupid as stupud..i really shouldn't be doing this right now..)

but anyways, i've been taking notes, and the first thing i was going to address was the format of my blog posts...there is going to be a change up - all too often i find i don't have the time to write out everything that's been going on..and as much as i like to overly elaborate things in detail like Dostoevsky, that is usually my downfall...maybe i'll make shorter posts...maybe i'll vlog...who knows...but it will be happening soon, if it happens at all...

"alright; nyquil, zicam, sudafed, ambien...all checks, now let's blog..."