Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Alright, Still

enough's enough
is enough...

if you really want something done, you'll do it.

apparently it has been one month since i last updated...it's funny but in a sad way what happens when i wanna blog...when i have things to blog about i'm too busy to blog about them..and when nothing is going on i don't want to dump (even more than normal) crap out onto my pages...but thanks to my avid readers keeping up on me, and my guilty promises i am back once again to write another day.

when i miss a day that i feel everyone should hear about, i put everything on pause until i write that blog, which in most cases is never...and while doing so i neglect any future posts that may be as equally entertaining..all because i am behind....

it's like the boyfriend/husband who is coming home late because he was hanging out with his buddies, but before he walks in the door to find his angry wife, he walks around the block, trying to think of a legitimate excuse for his tardiness, all the while becoming more and more late in the process....it's a viscous cycle and i get sucked in the whirlpool of it right down the drain...

and for the past month of not writing i've been thinking of more posts, more things to write about, that just slip away...great stories, better quotes...all forgotten..just like everything else in life.

so i made a promise, a pinkie promise at that, that i would update by tonight..and if you know me, a pinkie promise is everything...funny how things i learned on the playground still apply today..so, as promised, here it is....hope you're enjoying...

nike had it right with their slogan, "just do it" - nothing could be further from the truth...if you want something accomplished, then do it..actions speak louder than words (funny, yes, i'm blogging words..but it's the act of the blogging..blogging the words...?) i've sat here and thought to myself, and said to myself that i need to blog..just like i need to workout..or do a dozen other things on my daily to-do list i have...but it's just me speaking the words, it's just me that the actions will help out..it's just me who gets yelled at...it's just me doing the yelling, if any...

so next time you ever have something to do..my advice...less talk, more work...just as prayer is useless to getting things accomplished, so is talking about it...

so here it is, a fresh start one month later..how did i get back from ElEh..what's this about a dog..who's this new love...what is the approximate dimensions of a jail cell....all these questions and more will be revealed at a much later date..till then stayed tuned ;-)

"it's only 6pm...i'm only three hours into my day! give me a minute..."