yeah so i just got back from work at target tonight..short night, yay..and there was a party in electronics, which means everyone came at the last second to help me ass out with the backstock up there....oh, i keep forgetting to mention, but we got new LRT's, actually called PDT's, it's our little gun contraption thingy..i like the new holster for then, can't do the draw in the middle of the aisles anymore, but it's all good....
i was talking to myself last night, to myself in my head, not aloud, though that happens as well and people think i'm crazy..crazier...anyways...i havea post, i do i do...
it was broguht to my attention that i am probably getting sick...yeah seems right for this time of year...seems like my whole bodyu just goes out on my around this time, both physically and be it
yeah today has been a kick in the ass..i still have yet to beleive it's friday, well now saturday, but oh well...things aren't going like they should, rather how i would prefer them to go...i'm starting to loose grounds,so now i'm clinging, it's not what i wanted to do, but my only response, it will not turn out pretty...and i got sick tonight, i even passed out on break for the duration of, not eating a thing, i got really hungry really quickly......i was just messed up tonight...
oh, what could have go me really messed up was our little techno rave thingy tonight....yeah so we purchased these glow sticks at meijer on clearance for $.87, how badass, they look like normal glowsticks, but are battery powered, k-rad we're having some fun spinning them, making our coments, then i look at the ceailing fan....get the crazy idea, and thus was born our rave....we sat for over an hour just staring at the lights spin round our heads..all we needed was a little dewey and some ex..tra strength nyquil for my cold... look, i took a pic, it's spinning...
yeah i was upset yesterday, before the rave, because i was all up for being a productive member of soceity, i wanted to do something worth my time, i wanted to find a problem, and sit there all night figuring it out..don't ask me, but yeah i was even willing to call off work when i realized i had to go in last night..(i know it goes agianst the productive member of soceity thing i just said..) but then we had that rave and i got tired and dizzy and dehydrated, and yeah, it was good, but killed that was the end of anythign worthwhile coming out of me for a long time....well that's all for now, more to come...
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