Re-Capping Your Ass...
Wow, another year has passed, good goff, it's already becoming a new year and I am still waiting for Christmas to get here, tells you how far I am behind on the another year turns and what are we left with, just the memories of the year before, this is a re-cap of whatever happened in the year 2003 (crappy number to begin with...) and it could never be as great of a year as 2002 was, look at that recap..this one fails hardcore in comparison....
So after spending the New Year's all alone, this year got off to a very shitty start, which was just a forewarning of what was to come...2003, The Fall of Jason....
My posts were lacking in the beginning of the new year, and wasn't like the paragraphed shit I am producing now, so it is shit to read, but I'll do my best....New year came, then the first post came seven days later. Alco got a pepshit machine crushing all love for that place and beginning the destruction of me. ALDI opened, same day as inventory for ALCO, I still yet to go into the store... Rounding out that month was a somewhat hiatus across Indiana with trips to many a different places and me being a Karma Whore of sorts...
February brought a greater downward spiral unto my life, loosing what I valued most left me with many posts on the subject and pain...danced for favors, mother fucking BIGGS trip wherein we almost died, and just questioning everything, like where did I put my...
So then March rolled in, and despite the lies I still made my efforts, attempts, and trips to Muncie to see one certain more month is all I thought was left, it's what I had always figured on, whodathunk I'd make it past bad dreams started here...things were getting worse, the bottom was giving way.... one last plea for my lovely....
April came and I turned 20, yippie....professed some more love to a sticky keyboard....more questions arose, but this about the past, or lack thereof, history deleted so nobody would know...but you can't rid that gut feeling...
May Daze, Wizard of Oz was performed at LHS, one of the several plays I saw that gas posts started, damn the price changing bastards.....loosing sight and family ties weakened.. Gianotti at RtC and TPing all in one day.... I passed my real estate course with flying colors, I was on my the ending, and went along with this post cursing my current job...and I suppose part two as well....... and there's nothing like a trip down to see some of your buds and sing "Tangeled Up in Blue" in the bathtub....
Brooke came back from her Strom Chasing across the midwest and we started spending time together....maybe too much..but that's all house went up on the market, the move was inevitable....I made an audio post...I suppose air was the highlight...the Asian Tony himself started making contact with me, and we spoke many a times during the summer months, trying tunderstand what it was all worth...he praised me many a times with my "great" ramblings...and who could forget getting carded at the R rated movie???
Great post to start July off with, though I don't think it was true....shot off some fireworks for a lonely fourth...the first of my posts to have multiple links, and to top that off it reached not only double digits in comments, but went for 22, good goff...shit hitting the fan crazy slump began early, or premature some might say, added to the fact it was brought on by something that happened out of you believe in love?? And the Asian man brought a close to the month of July with his visitation down to see me, then down to zach's after getting a snub at the county fair...
the Begining of my realization of my lifely irony...a stop at the virgin mary proved to be helpful for an elderly lady who crashed her car the night before, turning the world Cohen, one step at a time..And then the conspiracy thoughts ran through my head some more with a weirdo number calling my cell phone, hey, I'm a paranoid schizo, go figure....the computer, Ziggy 4 started dying...people started requesting their voice to be heard in my blog, so I had to make special arrangements to do just so, see it here...and this is just funny, it does have only so many clicks....and the 16th marked a one year anniversary for my blogging, go me keeping on track and such...and with a last ditch effort, I decided to give it my all, which proved not to work out so well...vince and I started our band with a concert tour kickoff of sorts, we grooved in all parts of Indiana that day....and my move out of the house along with saying "goodbye" to my mother, and the ending of all ties to her....and end the month with an outing, not a date..
And of course September, who doesn't love September, that's when my geniusness reaches its apex only to leave my depression cycle to begin..basically most of the posts in September have some underlying depression to them, so I'll spare youthe trouble....Kristen got first news broadcast...give me your silence and your still giving me something, and results in a post...We sad our good byes to Johnny Cash and John Ritter, sad indeed...trip to terre haute, and more driving..and this is the month were I began posting like a mother, definitely the longer of archives..I won baptismal for someone who didn't know better and danced DDR dreams started up of my saddest days, why why why...billy's love affair ended, sad sad...a story to tolerate....I guess nothing too extravagant happened in Zeptember, but there was a lot of posts..damn
Green Wednesday was invented, online blog/comment fights ensues...still like this post, probably because of zach's comments defending me...the infamous and long waited exchange, turned deadly twice, but resolved at the end....last post, yeah right....depression hitting harder...girls..that's all I'll say...billy had a heartattack...then accusations of people fuking with my shit, if not you, then who??? more bad dreams...scary similarities...and that was about it for October, little things happened, but depressing sat in quickly, life sucked and I was still confused with everything, what is my place...
nothing like starting the month off with my double pumpkins..hell yes, lady through them out the window just recently darkest post ever to date...mixed computer got up and made me happy...threats were made at the school, but kriske has an alibi...ok, this is just obliterating, but she wore a skirt for me...she made the cut for this post...fuck you bruce....god, one of the greatest road trips possible, I completely loved it , long and enjoyable, too much to type, read it...even likes to kill me slowly...sweet...the holidays begin realization and actually posting of something significant.....istarted wit my quoting phase in this month, good stuff really, if now I were only able to break it down and archive it like zach actually the first time and a road trip that was...good enough....I made a lot of posts this month pertaining to my sanity, or lack thereof, in any case it probably wasn';t for the best....and then you got shopping the day after thanksgiving...
Which brings us to the last month, good ol December..or isit really? one a day posts were my newest thing, keeping you updating on any ol thought that came to mind, it's funny to think about it, when you first start off you don't know what to put, and things like I post now would seem meaningless, pointless to post,but you grow out of that, way to go me...snowball fight at target, hell yes coverage from the war front...yeah that little debacle was just crazy..and is still going on right now, lord only knows what will happen next...uh oh, the truth coming out...ccan you make out what is going on.....Saddam wasn't caught, it is fake, yeah me and my conspiracy theories...the beginning of my posting marathon..good goff....11 in a row, 12 for the day, wow.....only to e followed by the infamous letter to god....Christmas dinner with the baiel's, one of my family's, yay I feel loved...hurrah for one, day two, day three all with Brooke....causing me to post this one here...
and so there you go, and the last link of the year, yeah....I know I am forgetting things, still can't top last year, but the depression came harder this year, the winter is colder, I am homeless and all isn't year?
1 comment:
Love the tittle!
pepshit is a good one, never heard of that word before.
" actually the first time" the one of many to come!
I bet the next one is better :)
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