Something I hate..I Swear to make this short....
Part 7
Alright, I mentioned this before, but never went into ting that I do not enjoy is falling alseep with my clothes on. I'm talking my everyday, I could get up and nobody would be the wiser, looks like he passed out sort of thing. for starters, when I go to sleep, whenever it maybe, I like to wear a shirt and my undies, no more , no less (well maybe....)
I hate socks...I will not wear them to bed, hell, it's one of the first things off me when I do arrive at my destination. I remember as a kid not wearing socks when I went out to play, I think I only wore socks to school because they forced them on me.....but no matter how cold it gets, the socks come off...and sleeping with shoes on is a pain as well..I'll wake up in the middle of my passed out state just to take off the shoes and socks.
I don't like to wear pants when I sleep, though I can get away with it at times....maybe it is a loose pair of pants, or those orange ones from the Sadie Hawkins dance...but if I sleep with my pants on, the wallet and everything else has to be out, otherwise I'll just get mad when I poke myself with the thousand random toys in my pockets (we all remember the chirpy incident) but yeah, no pants, not even shorts liked to be worn....
shirts...shirts are fine, less they are long sleeved, then it gets in my way..and layers...good goff do layers anger me.... some how I always manage to roll around the right way to where when I roll again, I go to get up, I'm stuck in some submissive paralysis that hudinei himself couln't escape shirts, short sleeve and baggy... I have those select nighty shirts picked out, so it's all good.....
and sometimes...sometimes I'll wear my jacket and fall asleep..though this more often happens with my overcoat than anything else...but I think that stems from the fact that I naturally wear the overcoat as some form of robe...yes, even over the t-shirt and undies, I will be wearing the jacket as a robe, go figure..normally the jacket actually allows for better sleep than if I were dressed and without the jacket, don't exactly know why, but it just does, so only a little gripe towards it if any at all....
oh, glasses...I don't like to fall asleep with my glasses on...if you ever see me asleep with the glasses on, it's a mistake that I'm sleeping..that usually occurs when I am dead tired but don't realize it til I stop. and normally when this happens I try to catch myself and take off the glasses...but where they end up also can determine just how tired I am..sometimes I'll just hold on to them, that's funny to wake up to....other times I'll lay them next to me, and how I don't crush them is beyond me..still others I'll just lay them on my chest, and usually wake up the same way...and if I am lucky, I'll actually be able to put the glasses on a table or stand, something out of harms glasses wearing fools should know what I'm talking about..but as for you contact non-geeks, I don't know how it works with you..I think it goes something along the lines of waking up and your eyes burn.....
hmmm, is there anything else....well I like my watch and ring and any other jewelry off as well, but it doesn't disturb me as much as everything else, and those are simple little things to remove anyhow, so no real harm to cause for my sleep deprivation anywho....
but my point was, the uncomfortableness of sleeping with your clothes on...I'm not for it, no sir, not at all...when I wake I feel so out of place, not knowing where I am, distorted sense of reality mixed with dreamland fantasies. and I don't get a good sleep out of it either, never before have I ever felt refreshed, it was a waste of my time as I figure it....and I love it when I wake up in a know..the, "oh my god, what time is it, what day it is, where am I, am I running late, I'm dressed, how long have I been sleeping..." sort of thing..god that adrenaline alone is enough to kill a man...but that is my little rant about sleeping without getting rest all because you didn't get naked....
1 comment:
yes, no socks. ugh the troubles I’ve had convincing others that’s the right way… you should have a night dress haha those are comfy to sleep, a simple one, very soft :)
“you glasses wearing fools should know what I'm talking about..” we do understand lol
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