Let's Do This Shit.....
So yeah, anybody want to witness a fight, yeah a good ol high school style fight? No admission will be charged, bring your own snacks, guaranteed to last 4 rounds. Also bets may be placed, and will be taken at time of the fight....the contenders: in this corner, the man with no name, rather I mean a fake name, the stereotype to fit all Roberts, hailing from the unfriendly confines of "We're better than the world Academy", Leal.....and in the other corner, with an unprecedented record for pissing people off, the man in blue with a death wish, Jason....
So what am I rambling about, who shot who in the what now? Ohhh, it just is a little something from a conversation I had with brooke the other day. We were talking about what a lying, good for nothing person she turned into (ouch, stabbing for prune juice...) and I was throwing some hard stones at her, when she hurls out this line out of nowhere, "leal could kick your ass and make your piss come out your nose" still, looking back on the topic, it was completely random, maybe she was angry and that was all she could come up with...but I embraced the idea full heartedly, I stayed on the topic and rambled on and on about it, she eventually walked away from the computer because she probably realized the stupidity of the comment, but I want an ass beating, it would be glorious..she also says she wants to kick my ass, but that's different, wouldn't be able to fight back...though if we got a chick involved we could have a double header, Leal Vs Me, and Brooke Vs Some girl who is in my side...hell we could make this a tag team match, how great would that be?!?! Ohh shit, who's in for it, it'll just go better...
so this is my outburst.."Come on, let's get this shit going, time/place, we'll be there ready to kick some ass....and I'm bringing my own hearse for I know I'm crazy and will fight to my death....hell yes risen!" kinda sounds like the undertaker, but yeah, I want to do this shit more than ever.....come watch my ass get beaten to as bloody pulp, hell, bring a camera so I can watch it later....I await your reply you spineless fucks.... **smiles**
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