Monday, December 15, 2003

To Drink or Not to Smoke...but yet Smoke.....
Part 4

Alright, this is a very very bad habit for me..and yeah it occurs wherever I am at, but it reaches level of craziness when I am at my computer...I am talking about my intense levels on pop intake....I don't know how to explain it, but as I sit here, hacking away at the keyboard, surfing the web, reading crap, or just listening to music, I go through many many cans of soda....I don't do it intentionally, it's like a reflex...but when I think about it, I convince myself that I am thirsty so then I need the pop..I go through cans so fast I am finished with one before I am even comfortable in my chair...then I try to bear it out without a pop, but that just leads to edginess and quick static hand movements..and then I'll get up and grab some more pop..but only one at a time...I know I got off the pop kick for awhile, I didn't need it, in fact I still am trying to kill it, at work I drink some form of juice, whether orange or fruit punch, something different, maybe every now and then I might grab a two liter, but those are rare occasions...I get my fix when I'm not at work....but as of late I've been seeing my bag-o-cans fill up quicker than normal....

so what to do what to do.....well I inadvertently found a solution, serendipity what? you see, I put a cigarette in my mouth, just the left hand corner and I let it sit there...maybe slightly sucking on it making sure it stays in my mouth, but nothing more..of course we all know I don't smoke, so there it sits...of course it is a flavored one, change between mandarin mint, midnight madness (got to love the taste of champagne in a cigarette), or some Turkish Royals (Roy- Als as I call them, like a French quarter pounder...)so has it worked...damn straight....this is actually working wonders..though I may appear funny with a cigarette hanging out my mouth, it kills the reflexive pop as long as I can remember to put a cigarette in my mouth whenever I sit at a computer, I will be fine, just leave it here by my computer and hopefully it will remind only concern is, can I still get lip cancer from just holding and un-lit cigarette there???

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