Friday, December 12, 2003


oh yeah, so target's been good lately..i think once you look over the everyday bullshit, anything can be better, right? Also it gets better when you bring certain people to the backroom...with the past couple of days of getting behind (again) we had to pull certain people from flow over to the backroom, enter tony, jeff, and pete.

these guys are great. pete i know indirectly through kwinn, debbie pioth, zach b, among others....jeff is pete's friend and is engaged to michelle bates..and tony is tony...went to TFNorth so knew the area i grew up it's asmall world..but it's not those connections which make everything better, its just our personalities which get us through the night...we tell everything from WWII conspiracy theories to dead baby jokes. pete's good with the latter part of that and tony would be the beginning part of the sentence..i'm in between (like always...haven't i mentioned this before...) i swear, our anticts don't ever stop, we bring it to the breakroom where others might decide to join in on the conversation, usually the case...but it's just nice to know that there are others that you can shoot the shit with who feel like you makes working not seem like working, i mean obviously you are working, but you couldn't care now that your mind is on something worthwhile....ehh just a thought...

oh one gripe that tony and i were speaking of last night was the lack of hotties on over nights..hah yeah i know, but still, we argued that dayside gets everything, including the girls. we argued that it would boast moral and make people work harder, we had valid arguments for these positionsas well...but it's true, we really don't have any eye candy for that's the first thing on mym ind to begin with..hell if anything that's that last thing i need, soem bitch ass girl to try to get with...but at times it would have it's moments....

and on the topic of girls....i think one day somebody is going to hear omeithng, or see something and take it the wrong way, and me and the backroom will have a sexual harassment lawsuit agaisnt them....i guess it's the overnight comfort thing, so i suppose it's beter we are overnights because we do get away with things like that..but just watch out fo any future posts and don't be suprised if i will be saying, "guess what i'm being sued/got fired for.."

and of course there's much more to go the 20 different quotes from last night, but it'll wait....

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