Wednesday, December 10, 2003

What the @!#$&$%???]

So yeah, most of you, my loyal readers, should be asking, "what, no post yesterday, on a Tuesday of all days..what's going on" Well I'll tell ya, nuttin' much, ya know the usual, waiting 5 hours to transfer files over to one harddrive, then finding out you can't do it like you wanted to, so then waiting another five hours to transfer everything back, then formatting the hardive and re-installing everything possible on your computer....painstaking I tell you.

after all is said and done, I'm here, now, still trying to bring the mother ship back up to normal, while in the process I also managed to get sick and call of from work, yeah that'll be nice (angry face inserted here....)

one problem I am facing, and knew I would, is the modem's really testy, I swear to you, I've never come across such a thing before..well I keep installing the drivers, but it doesn't like anything I give it, so we go time and time again but to no avail. I remember having similar problems in the past, and you would basically try everything and give up, and finally, when you least expected it, it would work, you wouldn't know what you did or how you did it, but you're glad that it's all better now...well back to square one I say. so how am I online you wonder, well I threw in an old modem, one just lying around (glad I have things like that) and knew I had the drivers for it..I was hoping it worked because last I remember, I burned it out..and from my connection speed right now, yeah it wouldn't come as a shock....

so I'll have to eventually get that other damn modem in, give metime, right now I'm fighting with a problem, one like I had before..the damn welchia.worm virus is loose again on my soon as I tried to get those damn windows updates, yeah I got it's just a never ending circle that nobody will win against, well I should be able to pull through on this one, as long as those damn pop-ups don't follow me I'll be fine.....

so in the meantime, you might hear from me again, you may not....I'd hate to throw this thing out, again mind that also explains why I wasn't online the past couple days, or 24+ time frame, whatever it was, I know a few of you were worried, others got their hopes up...well sad as it is to say, I'm still here...

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