Friday, November 19, 2004

The Telephone's Been Drinking,
Not Me

So yeah, how's it going? I apologize if I may have called anybody tonight (last night, whatever) I wanted to call this one person, but damned if she wouldn't have been pissed....maybe another night, though I think I could have passed off as being well...anyways, I love you.

So technically today is Friday, there's another Underwear Party tonight, of course I am invited, otherwise how else would I know, a doi....but I also got other plans for tomorrow night, funny thing, I have like three other options available for tomorrow night...if I play my cards just right I may be able to hop around and do everything....all depends on how long the date lasts, then if I want to join some people for bar hopping? whatever, so I'll do what I want, which I probably be a lot of nothing...

so I'm looking around, not much to see, nobody is really doing on my buddy list (are they supposed to) but what I'm saying is that nobody is really online...rather, those that are online are on with away messages....ohhh you tricky people trying to sleep at 3:30am...that's what the afternoon is for....

ohh, I was supposed to get some rest, at least that is what the doctor ordered (ordered? suggested? something) anywho, Friday...I need something to do tomorrow or I'll just get pissed again and want to rant to the world...

look you fucking cunt...jello shots are a delicacy....I don't know of too many people that have actually made them to taste good....many times people use cheap vodka, or they add too much...yeah I underfuckingstand what the intent behind the pieces of shit's like a shot,'s supposed to get you drunk yes..but don't question a connoisseur of alcohol you piece of shit....fucking telling me what to say or telling me I'm wrong, who the fuck do you think you are.....nobody tells me to do any fucking thing...I am my own person so you can fuck off....

that was part of the rant I forgot to tell you, yeah I actually did forget, it's not like I didn't want to go off on your little average college slutty ass ( ok, slutty might be going a little far...) but yeah...nothing pisses me off more than anything than people going to college then wiggin' out....yes these are difficult times, sure people experiment...but things are done in moderation and per person...not everyone is supposed to go out, get drunk all the time and fuck whomever they can wrap their legs around....that's fucking stupid....and anybody that does partake in such childish behavior can walk themselves out that door (see, that's the door of the house, and my fucking leave) at least the people I want to associate with are better than that....

what's the purpose in drinking, well it levels my head and eases my mind...actually that's a Dylan quote so I am sorry....look, drinking to the point of intoxication is ok every now and're supposed to drink a glass of red wine a day for health reason, totally cool with that (Go Merlot!)..but people who just get constantly drunk..yeah, they fucking deserve to die..from whatever reason, AIDs, cancer, STDs, throat slit, its all good...

but then why is just a drink doesn't do a thing for's just a drink..slowly killing your liver without any side effects of being tipsy....see I think there's the clutch...get to that point of tipsiness...don't go over that amount don't black out (especially while making out.....Jess), but just have a good time, have control of yourself and things around...but that again should be done in moderation......once a month sound good?

yeah whatever, I'm a conservative little prick.....I'm an asshole yes.....and the blood flowing through my body is tingling, so goodnight...the bed is lonely with out you.

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

funny tittle!
oh-oh, someone has a date, is back on the game

" a connoisseur of alcohol" hehe, I've tasted one only once, because it was awful and never ever wanted to try another again

"not everyone is supposed to go out, get drunk all the time and fuck whomever they can wrap their legs around....that's fucking stupid" yup, yup, yup *nods in agreement*

but that again should be done in moderation......once a month sound good? mm yeh, why nuts? lol

"the bed is lonely with out you" aaaaww?