Monday, November 22, 2004

Quotes to Be Read...
I Gotta Be Honest...

So this was a conversation I had the other night (or rather morning, depending on how you want to roll it) but it was frickin' here it goes

chuchubunny: I read your blog all the should be proud of
Blue35Tuesday: really?
Blue35Tuesday: awww
Blue35Tuesday: thank you
chuchubunny: no problem, I read it to get to know you
chuchubunny: since you don't like opening up to people
Blue35Tuesday: best line ever
Blue35Tuesday: both actually
Blue35Tuesday: I love you

but it's funny because it's true....I really don't open up to people, well not that often and not to's just my little insecurity problem, that's all...I feel like everybody should come to me with everything because, hey, I'm frickin' Jason Angus....I offer the best advice, best consoling, it's all good when you're with the doctor....but when the tables need to be turned, that's where we have some problems...for some reason I just can't grasp the fact that I can turn to people for belittles myself, I think it is this horrible thing, I am no longer good enough for people to come to me, the teacher is now the student.....and that's sad, because a relationship should be able to go both ways, I'm just egocentric I guess....

but yeah..I just want to point out for everyone the effort this person is taking to get to know....actually reading my fucking journal....that's more than half the people who care about me way to definitely rock my socks!!!

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"....and that's sad, because a relationship should be able to go both ways, I'm just egocentric I guess...." oh gosh I should frame this, just sumtimeees *says between teeth*

ok... but wait is chuchubunny really the nickname she choose? or you can put nicknames to your friends?
Because... it sounds childish.. or sexual lol (because of "Come and ride the choo-choo. The sex choo-choo" LOL)