Sunday, November 07, 2004

Camping Quotes
Yah for the New editions!

Ok, this isn't anything too funny or serious or anything like's just a combination of all those things......

So I was at this party last night (don't even get me started, I had a rant about people, but yeah..I'll shut up...) So at this party, which I was invited to because I know this person who knows this person, something like that....a band played, my friends knew a member, they also knew the house resident, so whatever....

anyways, I was sitting in my chair, that's what I do best, people then I got up to "help"/walk Neil back over to Jessie's apartment to get his stuff..but as I was following him I was stopped and a conversation like this happened...

J: Excuse me, excuse me..coming through......whoops, I'm sorry (continues walking)
G: (pause)...Hey..HEY YOU! Stop!
J: (stops and sighs..turns around)
G: I know you...I was in your tent
J: Excuse me?
G: Yeah, I've been in your tent.....I was with Chris that one night..
J: (befuddled) ummm, soleski? When was that...was I there...jujuwha?
G: Yeah, there's candles and I was sitting next to them..and (starts naming off everything..)
J: Ohh, I believe you were in the tent...I mean how many other people alone, and here, have a tent...I think it's safe to make that assumption...
G: you never know..
J: Oh, but I do, I do know..
J: (moment of clarity) ohhh, was that when there was like 11 other people in the tent as well
G: yeah!
J: ahh, yeah, alright I remember that.....well you're more than welcome to come back some time, but I gotta jet

Notice how I said, "I remember that" wasn't til later that I remembered her, for some reason the face didn't ring a bell, but when I stepped back I was able to get a clear shot of her and yeah, I remember her...

so that's a random story of how I get spotted in a large city like Bloomington at some random ass party....every where I go, I swear I know somebody....I feel good, yet this may be too small for me....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

jujuwha? hahaha you nuts
“every where I go, I swear I know somebody…” your friendly neighbor, Jangus lol (because this year you watch Spiderman hehe)