Monday, November 01, 2004

Foamy's Rants....
Part 1

Hey, you know what kind of people piss me off..the type of those who lie about everything, or even just a little bit. Look, I don't know where you people are getting off, thinking that you are somehow bettering yourselves by tricking the general public with your own stupidity. Honestly, what is there to gain you self absorbent fucks. I've known some pathological liars in my life, and you start picking up on these traits, stop believing everything they say with a grain of ass salt..but you know what, then those stupid ass crying wolf mother fuckers get pissed when they are telling the truth and you don't give a fuck. it's like, yeah, you're game is over yet you're still trying to mash the buttons to make it to the next society a favor and tell everyone you're dead...then sew your mouth'll be able to breathe through your nose, but you won't be able to ingest any nutrients..maybe you'll chew off your own tongue, what good is it now..what good was it ever, you fucking then just as you're on your last bit of will, you stumble back into the society you ousted yourself from and they will see that you have lied again, you're alive..but not for they stone to compensate for your loss somehow...

you know what other people I hate, those liars who tell you, "no it's ok, I got it" and never get to taking car of it. look, if I wanted someone to pull my dick I'd go to my ex-girlfriend..don't send me on my way to leave an uncompleted task at just that. either let me work on it for another 15 minutes or hey, lend a hand and bust it out in 5....I hate getting back to work and seeing the same shit pile I left, only on the intentions it would be done...if you can't get it done, then don't say you'll do it..and vicely...if you push a task off to me don't check in every 10 minutes to see if I am still able to get to it...look, you gave it to me, I'll do it, even if I have to suffer from it, but it will get done...and besides, if you have the time to keep checking up on me, then why the fuck don't you have the time to get it done, don't give me any of your fucking work...two don't check up on me o see if its done, it will be, I'm not you..and thrice, learn to cram it up your ass sideways, because thats where it's going next time...

And some more people I hate are those needy ass mother fuckers who have to rationalize their existence with the company of another. these clingy ass mother fuckers just have to have a significant other in order to keep living. look, you were born into this world alone (unless you;re some fuck like twin, triplet, etc..and even then it's a battle for survival) you don't need anybody, get off yourselves. every time I meet these people, always somebody new with them in their know for being so damned needy and clingy, you just can't hold on tight enough can you....and then you got those relationships where one treats the other like shit, but they stay together because they don't want to be alone..yeah, that's a good mentality for ya..lets get beat because he "loves" me...look, if that's your definition of love let me throw your ass to the lions...damn the nazis loved a whole shit load too...

but I hate those who have a different person every day, or every week or month...jesus christ what's your problem? do you want somebody or not...and then the double standards that lie in that....ohh, she was coming on too strong, moving too fast...then next week with someone else...why won't she call me, where is she.....make up your fucking know what you want, then fucking get it, quit playing Heads Up 7 Up with Life and grow up.

you pathetic pieces of shit, it's you who degrades the quality of life for us all. I also don't want to hear about your fucking problems at only concerns you, which in the grand scheme of things is insignificant and minute..the world doesn't revolve around you and your well being, fucking live your life. If you really need that type of justification, that validation you need to do everyone a favor and shoot yourself, seriously, we don't need people like you hanging on to somebody else like it's all you got.

this rant goes to me....and as for those apathetic attitudes, drop all that know you have feelings...acting like you don't care, where the hell is that going to take you...get off your ass, get pissed or something, because when the old Jason Angus comes back around he's gonna be kicking someone's ass, and it ain't gonna be mine. you may not have anything to prove, but damn..your living the nightmare that has always lingered in my head. you may not give a fuck now, but got to pull it the fuck together. I hate people like you and what you are doing....and you don't have to prove your viability with some leech. I am quite confident with my own self, I don't need anybody else to make me feel better about myself, to be "cool" around my friends, or to prove anything to anyone....look, I lived my life alone, i like it..and I will continue on..most of life's problems result from the bickering with an other, whether bf/gf, wife, lover,'s all bullshit....I don't need all that is going on now, and in fact I hate's nothing I have ever wanted...I'm gonna be pissed when I snap back into it....when the old Jason comes back....this flock can fuck off, it's stupid and so are you.

ahh, fuck it....I had my rant earlier today, it was great...especially the part directed at me...and those puny little fucks who need the gratification of someone to become something, fuck all that. so to recap, fucking tell the truth, get off yourselves, learn to cope with nobody you dependant pieces of ass. yeah, well good day for now...more to come..I can feel it.

1 comment:

MarisolLef said... hahaha a-OK got it :) lol

"you pathetic pieces of shit, it's you who degrades the quality of life for us all" daaamm, this guy is spittin (like the meme lol)

"this rant goes to me (...) your living the nightmare that has always lingered in my head" don't be to hard on yourself, I think we all let each other down sometimes. But I like how you talk to yourself and keep it real. It's nice to be surrounded by people who have their feet on the ground, sometimes we let our foibles slip, but it's always important to know who we really are.

When I don't understand a word I got to google translate but lately I've been going to urban dictionary and I find the weirdest things, example: "Flock: The act of flossing your asshole with a sock. Ex. My ass required a good flocking after a long night in Vegas." I know it was not the meaning back there, this is like the 6th answer. It was just something funny to share :)