Wednesday, November 24, 2004

It's Started...
let's get retarded...

Yeah, the holiday season is officially here....I just ran out for some milk and random grocery items and believe you me, it's here...

So I go outside and I immediately realize the sudden drop in temperature...I'm wearing several layers and figured I would be ok, I mean it's been relatively nice the past couple days, slightly chilly but doable....however today was a different story..much colder and then I was hit by the cold slivers of rain wanting to become sleet..I scurry to my car and head for the store...

much to my surprise there were cars on the streets, many in fact..similar thing happened this morning when I drove home. I honestly asked myself why the fuck were people still in this god-forsaken town? Question still holds for tonight...

the grocery store was packed, of course, by people purchasing the final touches to make their holiday sham with the family something special...I only needed a few things so I was in and out as quickly as possible..on the way out my ears noticed the sound of that damn bell ringing..those salvation punks were outside trying to collect money...

so I finally got home after putting up with all this, and now I am wondering, am I really ready for Black Friday?

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