Sunday, November 21, 2004

I've Always Got Something to Say...
Unless you make yourself a fucking douche-bag...

So, get this.......I have an opinion on everything, no, literally everything. However...there comes some times, every now and then, when my opinion shall not be released, it's for the greater good believe me...

When are these times you may ask...well, usually when circumstances are so severe that I wish not to dish my thoughts onto the minorities..other times are when my opinion is asked on such ridiculous's funny because both go hand in hand...usually the episode is so severe and ridiculous it's yields no warrant for an opinion

actually, the no opinion factor has come into play twice in the past week alone....and I usually get angry when people ask for what I think...the one time people actually want to hear what I have to say, and it's so fucking jacked I'm not gonna say a word....some people are insistent on what you have to offer, then you just re-route them with some other tangent..and by the time you are done with that you'll be good for a couple hours without thinking of the other malicious thing that is actually drilling you....

so 3 year plan has turned into the three moon cycle plan...I don't know all the details, and frankly I don't want them, not until they are finalized...if it dried up, then good, I will act like nothing happened...but if this is something, I will not stand for it..and I will declare myself back on the road (wow, I just...yeah.....Europe mother fucker.....maybe not so bad after all)

this gives me the ultimate excuse to excommunicate from the rest of society for awhile....hell yes November hiding place..

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