Thursday, November 11, 2004

Pete's Back...
Like a habit?

And so goes the reign of the Reese Witherspoon cardboard cutout as the replacement Pete. Yeah, I think that is all I got for that statement...pete's back.....he returned on Dance Party Wednesday...I think this is his first one to be honest..and to think, this one almost didn't happen....but we rallied it back

rallied....well it was a close one, I was in my Wednesday mood but still I wasn't going to let a tradition flounder, not even once....but as luck may have it I received a phone call from a Heather H. (I think she wanted to talk to Tom...haha) and decided she needed to come over, all other plans had faltered, so this would have been the linking force to reunite everyone with Wednesday....after a quick coercion I hung up the phone and yelled to the kneeler it was coming through...picked her up, brought her back and BOOM, dance party was on..

but we really shouldn't talk about that.....heather stayed for the agreed upon time of an hour, didn't play DDR like the house rules state...but I couldn't be mad at her. so there I was, in my Wednesday mood....took out the trash...never got a pic of the sixth dance party, but oh call...made an angry ranting post..sheesh, I swear I must be either really old or living as a drunk...doesn't like loud noises, whatever....

so there you have it, wow, this post was longer than I compliment of the night was I make the best yeah, eat that shit up, good night!

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