Monday, November 08, 2004

To Jessica,

Yeah, so this is my ode to Jessica, because she deserves it...So this is me not so formally, but formally none-the-less Thanking her for everything she has done for me

Let's see....where to begin.......well, she cut my hair, not fully cut my hair, but trimmed it; to get it off the ears. she was weary of doing this because she knows how "important" my hair is to me, or something but she did do a nice job on it, so yay to her, saving me money and making me look presentable yet again...

ohh, being the one person I could actually ask a favor from....though rare, far and few between certain situations come where everybody needs a hand...sweat off my back

For buying me diner the other night...even though the meal may have been slightly cold, I enjoyed it because, well it was a meal, and it was bought with love...I got to eat!

And who could forget the drunken ice-cream escapade downtown....after a wine tasting we walked back home (good thing too, we almost opted to drive...) but in our delusion we craved ice cream....and ohhh was it so good too. my favorite line was of course "don't mind these" as I put an empty and a full bottle of wine on the counter to dig out change from my pocket....

which then led to the leisurely walk through campus...scratch leisurely, loud walk through campus, stopping at the gazebo..only to harass a couple walking up later..and finally making it home...running into the door and banging your head on the wall.....good shit....

but I think most of all, thanks for putting up with all my bullshit.....god I am such a fucking ass it is unbelievable. But somehow she puts up with my cutting sarcasm and down to earth hasn't slashed my throat like I have threatened so many a times, so's a great place to be....

So thank you for everything you've done, are doing, and will continue (I hope) to do..just thought you may like this...

(oh, and to those of you who think they should be entitled a post where I thank them personally like this......tell me, what's the last thing you did for me; and maybe I'll consider wishes, burn in hell)

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

another world I like the pronunciation in english: gazebo hehe
I do, I do, I do… well I’m getting you a card although you didn’t ask for it, it’s something I decided to randomly do for you :D plzzz don’t get weird
oh and I’m not burning in hell, I’m a freakin angel lol :P