Sunday, November 28, 2004

let things run their course..
..even if it's over your toes

So wait, I've taken a moment to think about things...actually I didn't start to think about things until the concept hit me, and even then I really didn't stop doing anything, just ran with the idea..but anyways....

So maybe I haven't put enough faith into people....maybe I should let things go for what they are worth...test out the waters...don't do anything based on initial thoughts or opinions....don't be judgmental...I mean who am I to let these things get to me and have some crazed opinion on.....

oh wait, that's right I'm JASON FUCKING ANGUS that's who...and yeah, if I remember, I can fucking rock at times....I may not make the best calls in my life, but when it comes to things around me; I'm dead on. so yeah, don't knock it....I'm not normally this narcissistic, but I just wanted to restate the obvious, which usually goes that's that, goodnight.

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

".I mean who am I to let these things get to me and have some crazed opinion on..... " yeah, they don't deserve you. You're great. If they don't appreciate you, then goodbye.