Sunday, October 31, 2004

Cruise Control...
...Tommy that is

Wow....what a frickin' amazing weekend! it just keeps on rollin', literally?

so the most overdone (female) costumes: Construction worker, Playboy Bunnies, Cats,
it's funny, because those outfits were the most worn, and they were all worn by girls...I thought girls were all uber-protective about their outfits, nobody could have the same thing...but I suppose if you go as something as predictable as that, and it is Halloween.

"In the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In girl world, Halloween is the one night of the year when a girl can dress as a total slut and no other girl can say anything about it." -Mean Girls

So yeah, the weekend was amazing, starting with Friday, the best night..hard to top, but yeah....Dave came down for the party, didn't bring the one person he was originally going to take, but brought a nice equivalent, Zachary. So yeah, the three of us alone would have made an night/weekend the utmost best ever, but tie it into everything else that happened, wow...

My costume happened by accident in all honesty..I was originally going to go as myself, what bette costume than I decided to dress up, either black suit or wild and crazy blue suit...jess picked professional for that night, so whatever...I get out of the shower, put on my briefs, white dress shirt and a pair of black suits are downstairs so I came down to the main floor in hopes of a speedy passing through, as to not disrupt anyone and get dressed as fast as I slid (ohhh hardwood floors) into the living/dining/gaming/poker/computer/bar room I was stopped and asked what was I doing..I said getting my suit, it's downstairs sorry..they all said, "no you are wearing that!" I'm like you're kidding, right...but no, they said it was completely risky I went with it...put on a pair of black shades and there you have it...I enjoyed the costume so much I wore it again the next fact I think I want to wear it again for the next couple of years....

party was good, there was enough people, not too many, but enough, people came and left but on average it was a consistent 25? party was all over, from inside to out..DDR was played, Dance parties were had, even a small rave broke out when I brought out the lightsticks...then Dave and his friends took it from there.

that party ended somewhere close to 5am, and then, as always, yes, there is magic in this house.....

Saturday, pretty easy day..wake up late..kicked a ball around in the street for a good hour, rode up to Lafayette to take Zach back, then back home. on the way back we got the brilliant idea to go to a bar..didn't happen, HA! instead we kinda had a small party at the house, Dave and I left for another party, came back, got Pete...went to this other party..
***Funny Story = So yeah, Dave's friend tells about this party he's going to, so we left really good party to get Pete and then Dave's friend Eric. so we get to the party, it was a really small house..and this person walks up to me and hugs me, I look and it was a co-worker of mine...yeah, so the good part of the story is this....she called me on Wednesday or so and invited me to her party, of course leaving a message, I didn't answer the phone...well I never called her back to find out where and when the party was going on, I got my own things to do...but low and behold I wind up there anyways....thanks Eric....***
so we left that party pretty quickly and then Jess and the Kneeler called me to see where I was going, we met up and moved it back to the first party....

it was your typical college party..some grew tired of it quickly...but one by one they left and it was only Dave and I...ohhhh how I love to people watch..suprisingly I didn't get bored or upset from it, it's all good.

and then there was Sunday....I took a nap.....slight partying....ATHF marathon....broke a Martini glass....ohhh, had a really intense dream, messed me up..dave woke me up along with symbol crashes and such....pete's here.....I have to go to work in the morning... I don't know what else to say.... my lip is scared and bloody.

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Is it legit? full risky business, oh wow
I could never... I guess you thought the Mean Girls quote also applies to men lol joke, joke ....

"ohhhh how I love to people watch.."

oh ATHF, I had forgotten about it!
take care, 2004 AP :(