Wednesday, October 01, 2003

What's in a Wednesday....
(limeade and vodka)

god that title just came to me and I'm loving it.....

ok, so Wednesday is a Wednesday, good ol hump day right....welll I think I did absolutely nothing all day...except for wait at BK for over 20 minutes for the damn thing, no biggie, I was in no rush....

so the drink to mix today was minute maid limeade and vodka, I had several people just randomly pick those two things and mix them together today..and then I guess the title helped me think of a name for it..maybe green wednesday or something.....and the best mixer of everyone came to a surprise to me, she's a little alcoholic if I do say so myself, and she didn't like the bacardi silver, even though she said she's had it before...I finally tried it today and it was different...but I could feel the alcohol in the back of my mouth knocking on the walls back there for attention while the citrus flavor had a pity party on my tongue...I'll stick with my skyy blue's.....

I got a pair of crazy sunglasses to go with my brown jacket..yeah, it's totally badass, elvis style.....and we had an hour to kill so we drove around Lowell listening to the radio...cranking it up whenever a teen girl guy singer came on, like john mayer and mraz and anyone's funny how I can roll down all my windows and pop open that sunroof without thinking for a second while the temperatures are around 50 degrees outside...but rocking out and bouncing is fun....

let's poker game evolved from the standard 2 card no limit texas hold 'em into strip poker tonight, yee ha....i'm certian the reason for development was based on the fact girls were present....let's just say I al the games we played, even when it went to everyone but the winner has to shed their clothes, I lost on 3 items, 2 shoes and a sock...and you know how I feel about my feet being cold, damnation...and of course you have the ever-present person who conveniently quits just after they lost a crucial hand making them shed more skin than they would like...frickin' people...I'm in to win...but could care less when no money is on the table but instead shirts and socks.....

despite what may sound like a fun lived life, I know this won't last long....I mean I've been a townie long enough, something's gotta change, right? when I think about what I just said, I am taken aback to when zach came up from Lafayette on spring break his freshman year.....we took him to a drug house, to RtC every night, and did some nice vandalizing at the salai's...he said is this what you guys do all the time, and we all agreed and said's funny how our life could be coveted by some.....but when you try to fulfill wants, you're left forgetting about what you need, I'm content with a lot of things, I find joy in the small things, fuck other things, they don't concern me, I can't control it, no biggie, move that's what I'm doing, there's more to things than just this, I've loved - and lost, there's nothing in that for me again, so looking for something of course I was going to make a post about this, so I'm gonna have to link it in this paragraph to my xanga, damnnit....(this isn't the one that goes with that last remark, but rather a build up to it....)

that's about all from the Lowell front...I've gotten wind that many houses were TP'ed on homecoming, I mean it is homecoming after all, but when we used to TP on homecoming, it was during the dance, nothing finer than having some bastards come home to that......

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

what's the relation with the whooper with the hump thing? jeez, whooper doesn't sound sexual to me, it reminds me of grasshopper... really
I've never drinken limeade lol I thought you misspelled lemonade
hahaha I've never even player poker but it's definitely on my list, also TPing

Ps. I've just send present you the link of my blog, I hope I didn't sound super dumb or boring ..