Sunday, October 26, 2003

Oh What a Night....
I'm not sure if that is good or bad....

so I noticed that people don't post, or read, or comment over the weekend, like they have things to do or something, amazing..yet, I do all my posting then, well here ya go anyways....

so when I left you with the last post I had no idea what I was going to do.....then I saw Toni clapp's away message, she was having her birthday party tonight, well last night, rather, the time I was reading I went to alco and bought a birthday card, standard Jason procedure, bought the you're turning two card, changed some numbers and re-wording the rhyming scheme and we were set..yeah toni's legal now for all of you out there...

I show up at 830 or so, go in through the front despite what the sign says, I couldn't just walk in, I slip in, that's my style. and I love Madeline, she always feeds me, she sees me and has a plate started for me, it's crazy go nuts, but I love it. so yeah I enter the garage where the party is happening, a couple people came up to me and hugged me, but of course I felt out of place, I sat and enjoyed my food....they started playing some techno, and you know I just wasn't feeling it, plus nobody had glow sticks but we're still trying to liquid, I didn't want to show anybody up so I observed, made some analysis of the different people there, I still don't see what went wrong...

oh, one thing that caused me to laugh aloud almost hysterically was when somebody called me "angus"...throughout the night, I was called Jason, even by the person who later called me angus, and when I heard it I almost didn't respond to it. funny how I thought I escaped from that name, yet given the right place and circumstance, it will come out...does anybody call me angus anymore..well vince's family does, but I expect that of them, so it's natural to hear there, maybe zach does, but, like I said, blends right with my ear....who knows....

so then they decided to go to gypsy's grave yard..ohhhh scary, so two vehicle's worth of people head out there. first time we drive past, there are already people there, so we make a long way around and come back to find them gone. We get out and of course people are freaking, and I just walk right was funny how Chris and I led the way.....oh my dad, did he just say Chris and him, as in Chris roseavere??? Yes I most certainly did...anyways, we walked through, people thought they saw a lighted orb this and that, whatever....then we walked to the fence, Sarah made a big deal about touching it, so I hopped over...I've done all this before, nothing happened in any then we ran back, why did we run, who knows, I calmly walked back....

so as we sat in the SUV thing Chris said how the real graveyard was on the opposite side of the present graveyard, which I do remember hearing, and so the people in our vehicle were the only ones who wanted to go into the uncharted woods. The van decided to circle around in the mean as we gather up, a black jeep pulls up, slowly people start to get out saying they are the police, whatever, then appear three quasi-built/fat college guys who had to be smoking a little something before they came out that night. they were asking why we were here, and how they wanted to see some ghosts and shit, then they saw Chris' suv and started commenting on it, like "ohhh that's nice, who's is it" which turned into "who's got the Keys for this"....after hearing nobody say anything, I, who was standing furthest away from the vehicle yet in between the two groups, spoke up and said it was mine and dangled my keys in front of them.....I could feel a sigh of relief lift off of Chris for that moment (and again, sticking up for this guy...) the three guys then decided to go to the graveyard, we changed our plans and got the hell out of there...just in time too because the van that was circling called us to say that there were more cars there with more people....

after pulling a quick little prank on the van, we all headed back to toni's, there people dropped like flies, one by one the party was ending....we sat in the garage and talked, it was a good was funny how Chris pointed out it was like a scene from a movie, the end of the party, streamers half up and the other half down, music playing in the background and the disco light was still spinning....

many conversations accrued, they asked to see pictures of people like Vince and dews now, then they talked about how all my friends that they knew of have changed, yet I still was the same, it was good to hear that.....they also spoke of other people they knew of that have changed and how they hate the new person, and how they really won't have to deal with them every again...

oh, Chris asked Toni, best lead up every, what Vince looked like..and she was like "well you've seen him", and he said, "well not that as close as you have", but slyly as t not reveal it was a joke...and Toni still didn't get it, then I busted out laughing, "because you made out with him" then everybody joined in at that moment....and of course I then yelled out, "twice" which brought on more onslaught from the crowd (I'm not knocking Vince here, I love him, and have made out with him as well, this is just for humerical purposes in the eyes of toni's friends...) then Toni made a rather un-original shot at me, which I threw back at her with a slight addition to her comment which only made the punch stronger (kamikaze comedian), but also was a rather lower shot then what I'm used to...but got a laugh and an even better comment from the crowd, which only made me feel better about my opinion...

so the night ended somewhere round 1:00 or so, and of course this is the night you change your clocks, so that will fuck with me some more....and then as we were all outside talking more, Toni asked if I remembered when the pity party showed up at her party years ago....of course I threw the date at her, november 11, 2000. Seeing her shock I then went into every detail I could of that night, what times we showed up, who was with who, probably could get down to the clothes if I tried, she was amazed by the detail I briefly gave to her, funny how I could replay that night in my head over and over again. After my rambling she then caught onto why I remembered everything so well, besides for my love of detail and story telling.....

so that was that, one hell of a night, I'm sure I forgot somethings, but hey, I made it long enough right? oh, one last thing I asked Sarah, "so you like stuff" and she responded, "yeah, hot enough for ya" I almost choked on my drink....damn good times...

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