Thursday, October 09, 2003

I Just Called To Say..It's Over......
(Ohhh, you knew this post was coming...)

so not last night, the night prior, tuesday night, yes's shortly after 12:40, i enter and twan calls out to me, "hey your phone just rang twice, i answered it the first time thinking it was [forgot the girl's name]'s phone, but nobody was there, and the second call said it was brooke and hell if i'm answering that" i tell him it was probably someone else, brooke doesn't call me, and seeings that it came from a pre-paid card number i thought it was someone else......

in fact before i went shopping i made a stop at this person's house...and as i'm walking up to their window, with a handful of rocks to bounce off their window, the phone rings agian, i answer and it was brooke, i quickly ask if it was her who called earlier, indeed it was...threw the stones down and scurried back to my car....

so the call was to set up an official time of when to do our suprised me to find that this will be done in person (maybe things will be thrown at me) My question is, what caused her to change her mind, from never seeing me agian, to we can meet to give things back...i even asked was her presence necessary to the whole event, becuase before it wasn't apparently, who knows....

Elizabeth, let me be childish for just a few more days, then you can have me grow she has "home field advantage", the time for the showdown, the rumble, the battle to end all battles, is set for 1:00pm central standard time monday, however things may alter depending on her schedule....

so yeah, she'll be there as she hurls a box of things i've given to her that she obviously doesn't want anymore back at me.....i'm hoping not t osee some things in there i don't want back, or i shouldn't have back....if those things are in there i swear to god i'm walking out.....most likely without the box as well...oh and she knows what things will set this action off, but we'll just have to see....and depending on what i get back determines what she gets back..of course there are only two things to give back to her, so it's not like there's a lot of bargaining.....

anyways, make sure you buy your tickets in advance, the price doubles at the door, there are still good seats remaining, and we encourage all types of media to be recorded, this is history in the making...

Enter chapter 22...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Lol I’m late for the battle. Relationship endings seems messy and awful, I hope to read some nice relationship endings… idk ignorance talking here...

Ps. Is this the post that was “the announcement” I don’t think this one is...
Ps2. What do you mean with chapter 22?