Saturday, October 11, 2003

Like Mother, Like no
Birds in a no
Monkey See, Monkey Do...

yes, i think that last little phrase best describes it.......oh how funny everything is..and for it i laugh.....

alright, so it's the weekend, whoo haa..though i can't say much of's late right now, soon it will be sunday morning, or afternoon whichever i prefer to wake up to....and of coruse it will be whopper sunday...i'm really driving this point home.....

let's see..hung out with some people i haven't in a long time, spent about 3 hours at the mall, fourth time going this week, as a pasenger almost died in an almost car accident(you could only wish), scared the crap out of billy by hopping into the baackseat of his car while he was at the gas station, then popping out just before he left, jumped into my car, while it was moving, through the sun roof....god yes sunroof..and that was just today....

i also came to realization, moreso now in my head, that once agian i am being used...such a terrible thing, i thought it was over, but no, here comes someone else, doing the same things as she did, and me doing everything i can't do for's sickening.....wrapped around her little finger....though i vowed to never do this or love agian, this one person has had her in with me for awhile, so as one falls the other moves in....this brushes with a topic that i was gonig to get at in a xanga, so i won't address too much here....but it's terrible, that fact that i will still do things and be extra nice to little ladies everywhere...even though they are [mostly] the same, same fucking person, same fucking thing..simmering.....

the point was nailed into the back of my head even more when i randomly brought the topic up and they all had input shown with a's funny how some people can watch this happen, know it's happening, but won't tell you what the accused person said about the whole mess.....i'm not one to put my foot down about something when it comes to this, but in one way or another, somebody's getting fucked....i hate...*thinks for a moment....was gonig to say people..*..girls....

so the exchange is only a day or so away....can i just blow her off...but i do want the DVD's back, i mean they were just loaners..and it's sad how i still have to mention her because she's still there....i don't want to see her, not the "new" her, one that........, there's no need, i'll just blow the whole thing off and pick up my shit after she's gone..of course i know i will probably get an angery call asking where i am, not like she cares....

kinda like the call when i went grocery shopping, she sounded so angry towards me, i even asked what was wrong, why was so she pissed at me, and thew sopund in her voice and what little she said meant i should know what i did wrong.........which of course is absolutly nothing....

and why does she want to meet up all of a sudden, that still gets me...this changed person who can make her own decisions and has her mind set on these certain things, moved her stance from nothing to do with me and having me pick my shit up off the side of the road, to meeting at her house for this exchange battle royale....grrr, she's got three paragraphs here, moving on.....

well i'm not throwing shit, and i won't, i don't care how childish this gets, she can say her little things like this, but i'm above that, for a couple reasons still....

and my comments are working agian, though maybe with this post they will rise from the ashes, and i will be able to see the comment that i've missed the past couple of days, i know i haven't blogged since thursday night nor checked anything since biggie, doubt anything happened...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Oh boy, I'm in shock