Friday, October 03, 2003


i took a quick early stop at my grandparents hoseu to pick up this typewriter...adn when i refered to, "i think it will work" i meant the picture showing for the typewriter itself...ohhh, she's a beaut...types wonderfully, and has been taken very well of, especially for being 80 years old....opening the box i was like a kid in the candy store, yeah i was excited...btu she's nice, really nice...i'm sorry you're missing out..but i guess that's what you get for messing with someone who remebers the smallest of details..yeah it's mine and i'll write the all american novel with it....

i think today will be spent trying to clean it a bit, getting out the Q-tips and such, for later today.....a movie sounds damn good...but all the peeps from target work tonight, and kelly really wants to see "the school of rock", same one i want to see, but it's kelly, and yeah, that'd just be nucking futs....

well i think that is it..another day another dollar...i don't think i'll be back at the lynwood residence for awhile, got a quasi-guilt trip pulled on me, damn people, don't they know who they are messing with.....anyways, life's bt a joke, laugh it up..i know i am...hahahahahah

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

aaaaw a classic typewriter! An electronic one like the one I have is not as cool as a classic one.

Also, " life's bt a joke" bt stands for...?