A Post of Something....
Let's see what I got here...well I made a comment on my Xanga about how I always appologize, saying, "I'm sorry" in awkward situations....I gave the example of the, "hey, you look familar.." followed by my reply of, "i'm sorry"..it just comes out naturally....what am I sorry for, it's just one of those things...anyways..
It ain't easy being me..I heard the, "i once was wearing no shoes, i was sad..then I met a man with no feet..." story, not told directly to me, if it were i would have beaten some ass....the moral is you may thuink you have it rough, but somebody else has it rougher.....i don't know, read my little subject to the blog over there to the left and i pretty much sum it up. bah...
watched parts of the new joe millionare..the best line came from a chick who said she could love the cowboy millionare because in the past she's used to dating artsey poor bastards...yet loved everyone of them.....i didn't really get the full effect typing it, but the way it was said brought joy to me....
Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure is, there is your heart; where your heart is, there is your happiness randomness
kendall just said she'd like to marry some rich guy she can bum off of..i asked if i won the lotto would she marry me, she said sure....i think that would be one of the most dysfunctional marriages possible, but hell, it just as could work out better than our last relationships, opposites attract right?
i made a post last night, quasi-angry, but the internet was goofing up, so i saved it in word, i think i'll post that now
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