Wednesday, October 15, 2003

My Reply

So this is my reply to my last entry...interesting huh....

Well I am more than happy it ended on a good note, to me at least. There was no fighting or anything, we left on a mutual goodbye, closed the deal, and it was over with. she said thank you, and meant it, i could tell by her voice, after all that went down, i'm glad it ended this way...

so i suppose that's the fairy tell closing i wanted, so now it's so long marianne. she is over me, it's all over, she's moving on, and i can now accept that. this will be the last post (i swear) about her/the subject in general/everything, she's moved on, so must i.

i must say though, i'm sure it took a lot to d owhat she did..i'm sure most people would have kept on faking it the rest of their life, but she became strong and yhad the courage to move on. so for that i comend her. i may not necesarilly agree with the path she took to get there, but she's met her destination, regardless of the travel, so it's time to catch another cab.

i wish her the best in everything she does, i wish i could be standing somewhere in the crowd to watch her life and her accomplishments, but that won't be the case. i apparently ruined her, and my punishment is never seeing her agian, who could blame her though. she's happy now, something i wish i could have done for her.

so take tis as you want, i had what i wanted to say in my head many hours ago, but now everythign is eluding me and i'm stuck with the asme sentence in my head over and over everyone, she's done with me, we are no more, the past is history, and i guess we'll never speak of it agian. she doesn't want to be with me, that's it....moving on.....

so now that i've hit you up with the last ranting about brooke and my life's love afair, i'll retunr to the mindless, incoherent, inconsistant, unintelligable ramblings that leave everyone confused and worried about my mental health......wierdo is an understatement, for everyon'es protcetion, including my own, i should be in that white room, right? and to think, if this is just a bit of what my thoughts are, imagine what's going on in my

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