Sunday, October 19, 2003

Billy's Going to Die...
Finally a post that's short and sweet...well not really, whoops

yeah so on the way to work sometime last week, billy had a minor heartattack and went to the hospital...of course we all knew this would happen sooner or later....the bastard wasn't even supposed to run, he could have dropped dead on the spot...and then not to mention his father did die an early death as now billy tells us this story, all while puffing on a ciggerette,'s funny how non-shaken up he is..he has to wear this thing on his chest now, along with his nipple piercings rfom the week prior.....his heart not only murmors, it skipps beats, and not to mention completly stops at times...yeah so instead of a wedding like we all hoped for, we are gonig to have a funeral for will be held shortly

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