Sunday, October 05, 2003

Sitting Here...

Agian with the loss of thought, yet srtill the ambition to blog, what in the hell. Well here's a nice little wrap around of today....wasted the day away completly...well i hate sunday's to begin with, everything closes early...and just when somebody's lazy ass decides to get around it's all too late to attempt to start the day...every use your coat for a blanket...then get really pissed because the bottom half of you isn't covered, yeah try that on for size ha! this is gonig to be one paragraph, no conforming to anything this time....never got to see a movie but rather just rented....i'll get mine....had some funny quotes from this me saying, "when do you leave" the reply, "shouldn't i be asking you that" my counter "rather it be when will I die"...or how i was having a conversation with a girl, kinda low self esteem, at least for herself, and i told her what good qualities she had and pretty and this and that and said, "hell, i'd even be able to fall in love with you..had i still possesed a heart, given the circumstances and all"...or last night's trivial time question when i said, "myabe it was supposed to be 21 instead of 20 like i had always thought, well anything's possible now don't you think".....nobody responded..."exactly what i thought, 21 it is"..............ok, well i guess you just ahd to be there to understand those things, maybe one day you will, or if you have been a long time reader you probably should be able to decypher what was said in those comments.....and to make the point, i don't try to sound all deep and philosophical when i blog or anything, when i do make references to things, i think they are right there in the open, no need to spell everything out, got to leave me with something that's that, all i've got for now...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“well i hate sunday's to begin with” well, I don’t hate those, I just do’t like it but I’m thinking of changing that idea. I loved renting movies on VHS.