Saturday, December 18, 2004

Some More to Know...'ll blow your mind

you know what particularly pisses me off...the fucking wind.

if there were one "natural" occurrences that I could hate; out of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes...I would choose the WIND.

all too often that damn phenomenon ruins look outside, you see it looks take a quick step out just to be on the safe side, and yeah it's dress "appropriately" and you're out the door....only to be pissed off moments later when you are being knocked around on the sidewalk, partly freezing because of the wind.

so it messes with the temperature...making things 4 times colder than it actually should

it blows things can't play outside when it is frickin' windy as hell...can't play basketball or any sports like that...

and walking around just sucks in have to go to class or to your car and the wind is coming right at you...walking in the wind is near impossible...

but I love Chicago, even if it does have the title "the Windy City" ironically enough is not the windiest City in the World, not even North America...I don't even think it is in the top 5 for the US...but whatever, so my love is still justified...

but that's why I'll never be able to own a convertible...I hate the wind...and that's why my windows are always rolled up....I can't stand having the wind blowing in on me....and then that leads us into a weird circle....I'm antisocial because I don't want anything external coming in, so I roll up the windows...but by rolling up the windows I have become accustomed to not socializing and adopting the outside I go about my business in my own little world

so yeah, if you and I are ever in a car together and you want to piss me off to no end, just roll down one of your matter what seat I am in, if it is blowing directly on me or not...I'll get pissy..I may not act like it bothers me, because so many fucking people like to drive with their windows down (fucking losers, turn on the god damned AfuckingC) so I just try to cope....but if I'm in the backseat....I'll kick your fucking ass, as soon as I fucking unfreeze myself...

so there you have more element into the mind and life of Jason.

"Faith is like the wind......because it blows"

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

but the answer is blowing in the wind lol

"if you and I are ever in a car together and you want to piss me off to no end, just roll down one of your windows" but what if it's a puppy the one sitting next to you and just wants to feel the easy breezy 🐶