Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A Little Off the Mark...
but you can still all me Tommy

So let's see....I'm kinda in the mood to blog, but have nothing really to say, so it seems like it is a waste of effort?

just got some cleaning done...yeah, we cleaned before the dance party because they are (might be) ladies coming Spaulding and I want to make things we are the two who like to clean..if it's one thing I like about Spaulding, it's the fact he likes things clean and organized, just like me. granted we have different views of organization, I still respect it. I like our cleaning times together, because when we are finished we are both happy; happy to have completed a task, and happy because we are no longer living in filth...

so after we completed a quick clean up, we started talking, and that lead into an interesting may very well be plausible...and if so, it will bring dance parties to a whole new level. I'm all for it, I don't know about the rest of people...but put me in 120%, and it requires me to actually do a lot, so yeah, I'm totally down for it..and I know Spaulding is...Jim will have little opinion on it..I don't think it will bother him..I guess the main thing lies in pete's hands, it'll be a no-go less he is fully 100% into this, I don't want to push him into the decision, but'll fucking rock my socks...

the Kneeler has started to read my blog a bit..made me happy, a little weird to be standing next to him as he read, but I walked away...still knowing he was reading it..whatever...he likes any mentions of dance parties, so I'll make a post just for him soon enough..

I'm making a Christmas list...I'm going to put my thoughts out there, and not but those items...I know how frickin' hard it is too, but I'll stay put...then after's mine..I think...

so I'll be honest..I have enough clothes and whatnot, but I literally wear the same thing for a week, then wear a different outfit for a week..maybe make through 4 actual sets of clothes, and then wear them again....and there's three stages of clothes for me..there's 1) work clothes 2) sleeping/in the house clothes 3) actually having to get dressed to go outside, like an interview or having special people come over/hang out..but even then it's most likely you'll get class 2 clothes....if you are special enough to get class 3 clothes, kudos, but don't get used to it, it's not likely to happen that I'm not saying I put up a front or anything, but I've gotten to the point where I find picking out clothes ridiculous..and I'm lazy...

let it be known I am wearing a blue garter belt on my arm above the elbow...

that said I have a lot of clothes, but maybe I just want to be seen as a cartoon character....funny thing happened the other day, I was getting dressed in the morning, actually getting dressed, pretty like and whatnot, and jess came downstairs, saw me and asked if I was going to work at A...I laughed and asked her what made her think that...the way I was dressed, I just looked like I fit the where I replied, well that's me, that's how I a frickin prep, what of it...

yeah, I like my clothes...but sadly I wished I could just look pretty all the time...I need a haircut I'll tell you what....I'm going to take a shower and use a razor blade to cut at it, that would make me a hipster right?

it's weird having nothing going on all week I get bored as soon as I get home from work, I'm just like, alright, can I go back to work now? I feel I have to be constantly doing something, otherwise I'm worthless really...well to myself. I think yesterday was seriously the longest day to me ever....and I slept for a good portion of it....let's see...was moved from the orange chair to the sofa at, what, nine would you say...stayed there til 1, changed then went out to do some random errands of mine, bank and food, ate...then went back to sleep...7 rolled around and I got back out of bed this time, went out to do some more errands..went shopping, got more frickin' clothes..came back home...sat around for a bit then went to the OG with the Kneeler and Pete....our dining experience was super..and we left the waitress, who barely knows me by the way..., a very nice tip...stopped by the K-Rog where I lent my discount card to a guy in front of's all about spreading the love...then back here...where I've been up ever since doing random things...

some will say this post is long, I will tell them to lick me...I missed monday, I know you hate me....thank you for your comments!

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“Spaulding and I want to make things presentable” aaaaww

“but sadly I wished I could just look pretty all the time..” hehe dorky alert