Thursday, December 30, 2004

Winding down...
building up...

So this will/may be the third worst New Year, in a row mind you...I guess if you're gonna have a streak...

so yeah, recapping the past two...'02 - ditched and passed out til 2, wake up and realized it was the new year and I was alone...'03 - what would have made up for the prior year backfired when a spiteful decision was made and there was no turning back; not to mention the aimless running around Lowell trying to "settle" on a spot to be...'04 - Having the opportunity to go out and have plans, yet not possible because I'm here in Bloomington, the irony from the past 2 year...

so I'll explain the last one, since we all know about the other years just well, and if you don't, well just look back on any of the last posts in December from this journal...anyways my story...

Well number one, Coinslot band will be performing at Java Jims on New Year's Eve...followed up with an after/pre party in Hobart at this incredibly badass house hosted by many potentials in that one scenario, but we won't go......two: Chicago..god I want to be there so frickin' bar, party, formal......three: Lowell - which in itself has many with the random girl friends...laura....four: Greater NWIndiana - also subtangents...mainly scoring a New Year's date with a girl who owes me a date...but I went no further because I knew it wasn't going to happen....even though the new year's date is the ultimate of dates I think.....oh, and yeah, I got corri's number, rather she gave it to me randomly...yeah....

so what it will actually be is an after work wallow in my own self pity let's ring in the new miseryear party....which has some slight potential for actually turning out to be something...but I'm putting too much stock into it...I'd hate to get my hopes crushed like so many past new years..

so I had options, but instead will be working...working too late to actual rendezvous with any of the said groups..and because of that, my shift was pushed up early Saturday basically a double...(wait, those are holiday hours aren't they....good) and on top of that I am scheduled a minimum of 43 take that to the bank I will...overtime is a Bozo no no at the OG, but what do I care...they're making me work ridiculous hours...

[E] and I'll go ahead say, that if I wanted to live my life to the fullest, like I tell everyone else to, I'd go ahead and call off work...but that would have also involved me going up north on thursday, my day off, so I could actually hit up everyone I needed to and do everything I needed to get due to the fact that I'm still here in B-Town, the chance of me not going into work is small....but there's always a slim chance anything could happen....I mean this doesn't justify calling off, but the OG has had so many call off's and no call/no shows that it's ridiculous...and then those same people come into work the next week like nothing happened and it's all yeah...I guess it depends on how I feel tomorrow, luckily right now I have a headache and want nothing to do with anything but myself...what I'm seeing is, if I were to wake up late for work I won't go in...I've got plenty of other things to do tomorrow as whatever happen happens..

and I still contend that Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are holidays and should be paid/adjusted/whatever accurately...people need time to travel and can't expect everyone to work on those days..and those who do you should treat them to something special, because those are special days....why do you think they are on calendars.....nobody gives a damn about "Labor Day Eve", because it doesn't frickin' exist and people don't come together like they do on the other two said days...I hate cooperate America, I hate the world, and I you*...

*you does not mean you in particular, it's a generalization about people who do not agree with what I say and/or piss me off to no end...for the most part, not the actual readers of this journal

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