Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I WON'T Be Home For Christmas...
...so lick it, like you used to....

Alright, so let's do this, I've sat here long enough, now's the time to get back to writting.....

of course I wanted to write a bunch of things, but forget them, again...I need a word for this..so that I don't have to type out that phrase every freakin' time it happens, because I'll be Jason, it happens a lot....(..you see...that was a play on words...instead of "I'll be frank" I said "I'll be Jason"...get it...god yes...)

So I have a new item added to the Ain't Gonna Happen Wall....you know, those stupid things that just are not going to happen in a million years...like the estimate that this bitch gave me because she thought I scratched her car...or the jury duty for Illinois....yeah, fuck that.

It's finals week, and people are trying to learn a semesters worth of knowledge in the few hours that remain between them and academic probation....

I've been having "bad" dreams lately..well I mean they are normal dreams, just "bad" things happen in them, recurring themes if you will..and the sad part is, while I'm dreaming, the dream knows it shouldn't be allowing for what's going on...it's really sad and I'm gonna have to make it stop...

following that, there's a girl I think I may like from work, that I thought I may actually have some chance with, since she's one of the few not married and without a boyfriend....but any and all hope was thrown out the window when she forgot my name....no big deal you say, but we talked all Friday night...maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it's because I didn't catch her attention like she so caught mine...fuck

can't wait to eat subway....yeah it's happening tomorrow....if I wake on "time"

really, I don't need to wake up tomorrow, well not until Friday..but if it weren't for that damn Dance Party, I wouldn't leave that tent...that's ok, we need to rally some people...people who need a break from cramming...and who need a little bit a dancin'

Number 11

oh, and sadly I will not make it for the Baiel's Holiday Party, which I am really pissed about...but I have to work all weekend, even if I didn't work on just Saturday I would trek up there...so yeah, I'm really sad I can't go this year...I wanted to so frickin' much, I don't think you know....so yeah, since I won't be up there for that, don't expect to see me up there before the new year...

I have to stop reading, the damn room is starting to spin...annnnnd I'm thirsty...sooooo goodnight.

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"instead of "I'll be frank" I said "I'll be Jason"..." that's a good one!

"maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it's because I didn't catch her attention like she so caught mine...fuck " :(