Wednesday, December 22, 2004

All's Fair in Love and War..
..especially when love becomes war

Estuans interius ....

so yeah....I know this would never be possible, because I am, how do you say...I picky/hard mother to buy things for....

I know there is nobody in this world that would ever think of getting me this as a present...

so I present to you, something that I would appreciate

This is amazing....

Yeah, seriously, not what you were's not cheap, but not expensive really..I mean I could have asked for something a lot grandiose than that I'll tell you...

I get to play dress up for the night, get a tux, it'd be hot...wanna be there???

and actually trying to find someone to go with you who would appreciate it is just as I said, I know of one fucker that would appreciate it, but I'll just hold my breath and die before that happens....

so two tickets is the minimum to can do for me...good seats too, nothing shotty I don't want to have to buy those opera glasses anyways...

ohhh, and the best part of this all was when I asked people if they wanted to go see this, I sent them the link and I got these responses...

: Who are they? - more than once
: no idea what it is - fair enough?
: is that alcohol? - yeah

alright, so that's all for now....if you all pitch in this can surely be possible....remember my birthday is April this would be a slightly early present....

*thinks* now if they everyone I know throws in 5 bucks.....wait......10 bucks..............hold on, if I only know four people...then they would have to......

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"I know there is nobody in this world that would ever think of getting me this as a present... " aww :c
so, was it a ticket concert to see who? Carmina Burana?

"I get to play dress up for the night, get a tux, it'd be hot...wanna be there???" yup