Saturday, December 11, 2004

A Little Something To Do...
Monique, Sarah, Kim, Cassandra, Curtis...

Alright, so I just got back from all my outings this evening...and let me tell you....

so I went to work....which started out horrible because I was ten minutes late...why you ask, oh, well it wasn't anything that pertained to me, was because somebody was parked behind me. Now, alone, I hate when people park behind me...I never take it into consideration...the time it takes to go outside, see that some fuck is behind me, go inside, see if they are home to move the car, then they aren't so I have to move both vehicles, and then go to work, that alone takes a good 5+ minutes to do by yourself...but this time...oh buddy..this time the perpetrator who parked behind did not leave their spare set of keys on the "IF YOU PARK IN THE DRIVE WAY YOU MUST LEAVE YOUR KEYS ON THIS RING" keyring..

so I am, approaching the red zone of time to go to work, and somebody's behind me, and I do no have their keys to move their car, and they are not home..........I frantically search the house, search the credenza, but to no avail, then finally I make an angry phone call and they come back to move their car...start the day off right huh....

ohhh, and on top of that, some fuck decided it was time to do their laundry as I am sleeping I hear the laundry door open and everything going in...I will say, they were trying to make it quiet as possible...but it couldn't wait? that damn buzzer went off as loud enough to wake the I get ready to go to work in the meantime..anybody rushing downstairs to put their load into the dryer...nope....must have not been that important.....

I know I don't have control over the entire basement, but I go into your room to make scrambled eggs..I think not. something's gotta give....soon....

so I go to work...and surprisingly I am on some euphoric high, I can't stop smiling...and I wasn't even working with the people I liked...but whatever...

got invited to an OG party after work, but that will come up later...

I got cut from work, made it home, changed and ate a quick little bite, went to the wasn't the best let me tell you...there were a lot of mess ups, that I think even the crowd would notice, but everybody has their off days...still I wasn't feeling the sound of their sue me....

but I believe I did some of my best camera work, I don't know why but I was so damned confident while taking their pictures, it was really fucking weird....

so right after the show I took off and headed for the party...I did not want to stick around, I didn't help them set up, so I had no obligation to tear down, plus I paid to get in, whatever...and yes, I was running away from somebody who doesn't return my phone calls, but like they fucking noticed anyways...

so I drowned my sorrows at the party....where I almost went home with a couple different people....Kimmy must have known better because she was all about the escape as I walked her to her car, damn her..and then Curtis wanted to watch Family Guy...but I just wanted to get into my warm bed...even alone it would suffice for tonight...there's always tomorrow...right? I am here, found out there are a couple people who adore me at the OG, but nobody that I adore back, but hey, that's life and that's how it goes....

I'd rather love the wrong person for the right reasons than love the right person for the wrong reasons....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“I believe I did some of my best camera work” wow, we got a band photographer here!

“but I just wanted to get into my warm bed...even alone it would suffice for tonight…” :/

“found out there are a couple people who adore me at the OG, but nobody that I adore back, but hey, that's life and that's how it goes.... “ indeed. Oh that’s bad timing, story of my life.

“I'd rather love the wrong person for the right reasons than love the right person for the wrong reasons.... “
oh boy, this quote is gone keep awake at night, mmm what does it mean, so buda here lol