Thursday, December 09, 2004

I Care For People I Shouldn't...
When I Shouldn't...

Yeah, I know it may come to you as a surprise, the person who hates everybody...actually gives a good fuck about people.

I don't know what it is, but when I know somebody that needs help, I'm there's some sort of bat signal for me and I come calling like I'm some fucking superhero.

well I'm not, I need not to care so much about people, when really I should only care about myself...

all too lately I've been coming through in clutch moments, coming through big time..but that's just what I do,and to quote kneely, "no, you do more than you can do.." which is obviously a contradictory do what you can, you can't achieve anything higher than can't give more than 100% and therefore what you can do is less than that..some people have their own levels..why can't we all do "more than we can"

and because I care so god damn much, I have an opinion on what I believe is right and wrong, and live by it to an extreme..yeah I'm a conservative so that fucks with a lot of people's minds and values...however distorted they are.

I don't want to care for you if you can't respect me back, or give that to me back in some way...anybody that makes me feel lies this is obviously not worth my worries.

I think I'm gonna change my voicemail to, "yeah, you got the voicemail because people like you suck..I didn't answer because I don't want to talk to you...I will not return your calls, burn in hell....and for those of you who actually matter I may just be at work or sleeping, in that case leave a message..."

I'm not going to put myself out there anymore..which means I have to learn not to care about things..which means I should delete all that mattered in the past..whatever..there's going to be another post about this..if not something larger....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“I'm there's some sort of bat signal for me and I come calling like I'm some fucking superhero. “
“I need not to care so much about people, when really I should only care about myself... “ oh, I could use this advice but then naaaah

“I'm not going to put myself out there anymore..which means I have to learn not to care about things..” mmmm :( mmm idk if it’s good advice… ideally the ones you care for, care for you in the same way