Thursday, December 30, 2004

Bring it Back...
back right down...

urghhhh, what a long day..but not really....just tiring I guess.. I mean it is only 1030...

today was my day off..yippee! so because of that I got to sleep in, but only til 3 or so...which isn't a long time considering what time I actually go to bed a night..and then actually go to sleep..

I had a list of things to do, only because I knew I would forget everything, so it was a progressive list..but I was able to get most of the things accomplished....tuxedo shopping, chair fixing, grocery shopping, cleaning, love making...even had time to I'm a little worn out right now

I just came back from Boarders and I have a terrible must have been awhile since I've been out in the public spotlight other than places I am familiar with to an exact science because damn my head hurts.. public places does that to me, so whatever....

and I would like to say that the Boarders in Bloomington is officially the worst ever...couldn't find any CD's I wanted to look at, and there "title sleuth" computers were nowhere to be found....everything was different, but it was trying to be the same, that just pissed me off.....

so yeah, Jim now has two presents...the one which is sitting on the desk here, and the other is that I fixed his orange chair...finally some might say, not like I broke it, it just needed some repair because it wasn't very he'll be pleased with that I can imagine....

need to find a stylist...and the same place needs to do nails as well....shut's not what you think...

the opera idea is a people, throw me some money and I won't hate's my frickin' present...

last night the dance party was moved to NWIndiana on account of everybody being up there...yeah, down here it was just kurtis and I, we ate ice cream, drank wine, and watched a movie....does it count if I've been playing techno music all week though?

oh yeah, that's another thing, I'm back into listening to techno music...I've already downloaded so much it's insane...but I don't know if I'm quite feeling a compilation CD or not..I know my fans would love to hear that...but I don't think it's coming...we'll see

and as for tomorrow...yeah, the end of the century I mean year.... do I have plans..?.,.,.,,,

well, another list for tomorrow, and I work, so yeah, I'm out....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

does it count if I've been playing techno music all week though? only if you danced