This One's Gonna Get Me in Trouble....
Alright, so here we go again, Lowell has yet again come face to face with some "tragic" happening, whether it be molestation or in this case a death, the views and opinions of a town alter so dramatically....
So the other night three Lowell students were in a car accident, they had just dropped off the fourth moments prior, so it could have been 4 and the death count could have raised, but in any event, everyone was involved with the accident, just the three in the car more relatively, and all three "survived"...of course though two in life one in death, funny how the same word can be made out to mean two opposite things if purswayed the right way...
But I stand on the other side of the road opposite those morning, standing firm on grounds and beliefs that no "accident" could change, so be it.
From one view, yeah we got three youths involved in a tragic car accident involving just themselves, one of the passengers lost their life, the other two were rushed to the hospital with injuries. Sounds like it is something bad, maybe it is, then again maybe it isn't....
There are no "good" words any paper can publish about this occurrence, they weren't great sports players, involved with extra-curricular activities, earned good grades..But even if they were, does that justify anything...
Let's spotlight the driver for a second...Now I went past the whole wreck scene, from dropping off the fourth student to where the car met it's fate, and I tell you, it's not a nice thought that comes to my mind....The car was reported doing anywhere from 65 to 85...that alone is problem A. Let's add in the fact that it is a hilly, barely 2 laned back road, problem B. The snow made any road driving treacherous, hell, route 2 and nine mile were bitches to drive on, let alone this backroad, problem 3. Oh, and the distance it was from the dropping off to the accident where the car stopped, yeah not very far, any excess of speed was done deliberately, problem 4. And why would a 17 year old believe he could even undertake such extreme weather conditions like it has been the past couple of days, how long has he been driving, it may have been his first winter for all we know, problem 5....Oh and let's not forget to mention he was driving with a suspended license, for three months (maybe I see it as poetic justice, three months and three victims...) problem 6. And I'll just wrap this up with good ol problem 7, these kids were notorious for alcohol and drug abuse and according to sources were very likely under the influence of something at the time. (regardless if they weren't, they still are notorious for it, so again we see a problem..)
Tragedy, depends on how you look at it, what spin the media puts on it, and for some reason I'll always be on that other side getting a different look at it, keeping everything in realty, in perspective, keeping everything level, and still seeing the lighter sides of things....
It's funny when things like this happens, seems to put everyone in their place, mostly (and this is from something/someone close to home...) those who joked around about death before, those who said, "god I just want to die, life sucks, to hell with this all...." etc. Of course I'm not talking about myself, like I said before my opinions don't change on a whims like that. I can still joke about death, drive like an ass in this weather, make comments here and there because that's just me. Do these things happen to make us re-think about our existence, to see how precious life really is, to make the most of what we've got, go out on a limb, go for the gold, give it you all, do something crazy, take a chance, live for the moment, do what makes you happy..Because that's what life is about?
Or is it about Karma, justice, ends greater than the means like here? What if this would have happened to an elderly person who was a huge part of the community, or a straight A student who was a goody two shoes..would it be life is full or irony, paradoxes, and jokes? "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke."
1 comment:
“ he was driving with a suspended license, for three months (maybe I see it as poetic justice, three months and three victims...)“
So you thought it was karma. I like to think karma is real, but sometimes I think I just to that to calm myself and no try to take actions on things by myself... but then again who am I to judge. Hopefully everything happens for a reason and if not, we’ll it would be too late to care. Lately I don’t know what to do with myself...
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