Take it For What It's Worth...
Nothing More You Fool....
Alright, I guess it's my fault, but I returned to the computer here and had a barrage of messages..people asking where I am, why has the away message been up and not changed for 24+hours, why has the blog not been updated, this and that. After reading all that I realized, yeah, I guess I kinda did just leave this thing going, oh well...As for updating, yeah, I had intentions to update, I mean there were things I wanted to write about, but I was running out of time, last week was pretty hectic, and I don't know if this week will be any better..then I also came to grips with the blog is evil, it never serves the purpose it should, only does harm, and I don't know what else to say, I'm hoping to post less, not once a day, maybe a couple times a week, maybe eventually phasing out of this thing and just keeping something similiar as a record for my eyes only..yeah to hell with everything right?
so we'll just have to see how things pan out, I hate how things are now anyways, I don't like the layout of this blog, it was never supposed to look like this to begin with, lord only knows how it became this craptastic plain white...so if I update, there it is, if I don't, there it be...
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