Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Let's Spend the Night Together
Now I need you more than ever...

I tell you, the weather is breaking and getting a little warmer, though not by much, but every little bit helps..I suppose that's a good thing, I would rather have it cold than hot..I know that is wired coming from me, but think about it for a second and you'll understand why. The heat makes me feel sluggish and unproductive, I want nothing more than to do nothing..But the cold makes me want to ball up, and it's a lot easier to get warm than to get also makes for good cuddling weather, yeah I know I'm a cuddler, so be it..nothing makes me as happy as cuddling in some spoon position, it may make sleeping a little different, but it is totally worth it (no other guy I know has this same opinion, fuck if I'm different)

but the point I'm getting at...I can't wait to crash at somebody's place this weekend I tell you. It may be only two days and two nights, but it's 50+hours I have less worries on my head. So yeah, today is Wednesday, and I will be out and about in Friday, free from all, whatever...Though no official plans have been set up yet, zach hasn't gotten back to me with his schedule and such, so I'm just hanging on by the I would like to know if Brooke will be with me or not...everything's hanging in the balance, to be determined at the last minute, as always, as we all like it...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

heck yes to all the comments about the weather!

" I'm a cuddle" no comments hehe

"everything's hanging in the balance, to be determined at the last minute, as always, as we all like it..." nope, nope, when things are determined at the last minute I got anxious and expect the worst... I'm like a puppy I get too excited with an idea and if there are last minute changes... I froze. But I'm dealing with that, my friend from college likes last minute ideas and things, jeez