Weekend at Zach's...
Long Awaited.....
So as it says, this trip (and post) was long awaited..Haven't been to Zach's since early November...We all remember that trip the crazy one where somehow we made it out alive...But we only stayed for a couple hours in the late bit of the night. So finally, after many hours of begging and pleading over weeks and weeks, come the new year comes Jason to Lafayette. And now I shall post about it....Though since this came days later, lord knows I'm leaving out all those little details that I would have originally put in....
So Friday night made the journey down, was kinda afraid at first, seeing nothing but cops all day, and even getting pulled over for them "not being able to see my sticker" aka white boy in upper Gary in nice car, get him! But I made it down and all was well. And even though "nothing" was done, or not a whole lot, least not to blog about, a lot was accomplished over the weekend...We ate at El Rodeo (oh shit, I forgot my take home box in the fridge, oh hell..Save it and I'll come get it Friday, he he..) and then we spent the rest of the evening at some guy's house, typical college apartment..zach and I fused ideas for things that we would love to work on together sometime....
Saturday..saturday..that was basically a count down til 7, no joke....Zach and I did nothing, we had our asses planted on the couch for several hours, with an occasional firing of BB Rifle (oh, which the night prior I was making incredible shots, one handed, sideways ghetto style, behind the back, etc..) we talked and talked, it was great..So I guess after all that and the bicker of what I should wear, 7 finally came up on us, actually it was after 7 and we were supposed to be at "the Village Coffee House Shack Club Place..Yeah" as the arranged meeting time and place for her....one of like 3 persons who actually subscribed to my Xanga... Anyways I was late, it was kinda screwed up by that, I starting talking to the wrong girl, she wasn't reading Dostoevsky so dead clue it wasn't Heidi...Anyways, we eventually did meet up, and to our delight, she wasn't a 300 pound one armed freak. We talked, walked to the Taco Bell with a fireplace in it, and after much indecisiveness, went to Denny's...
Zach laid into her with his constant bashings, it really didn't phase her, I didn't think it would, for some reason I knew she would stand to the testings of Zach...She finally made it into Zach's good book scoring some bonus points for certain answers to his many questions..All in all she seemed like a cool person to hang out with (hell she sang Dylan with me in my car as we drove around), but I don't know if she was shy, intimidated, tired, or what the deal was..Her writtings (ramblings) are brilliant and I enjoy the crap out of them...but she mostly kept to herself that night, brilliance was there when it needed to be, but something just seemed out of place..hmmmm...At Zach's we played Scategories and Heidi and I tied..but of course, in a clinching final death-esque tie breaker, I choked, she won, what could I do...I couldn't even name Target as a store starting with T..what a loser...
well we finished the night at her apartment meeting the Jewish roomie (ironically enough named Noah, what's that, like 12 on my tally....) which went on well into Sunday morn'. We opened the sealed "being John Malkovich-esque" door near her computer to find a little room with junk in it, that was exciting. Later we played Monopoly and again she won..everyone else got their asses handed to them. "fuck Illinois, fuck Indiana, fuck those fucking hotels"..as I roamed around the board a propertyless bastard...I got a kick out of seeing her room (for more than one reason, (rabbit?)) We looked through her CD's, saw the giant Dylan poster on the wall, signed her closet ceiling, looked through her books (she owns "Hammer of the Gods"..) it was nice to get that extra feel for her from seeing her room, though it really didn't lead me for a deeper analysis of her, I mean this was all I knew already, just maybe at a heightened level....
So there ended that night and Sunday came..and good goff did it leave quickly....We watched TV and looked at the clock, it was already 5pm. I decided I "had" to get going, though as I posted before, I really didn't want to go, it was great...being with Zach, being able to connect on that level again, making digs and shots that Zach hasn't got in awhile, being able to put him in place so to speak, but doing it in a loving way. Man wouldn't that be the life..seriously......
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