Brilliant Idea Number 235.....
Alright, on our trip up to Unique, the Mall, and wherever else yesterday, Dewes and I had ourselves one lively little conversation, and it all started when we got onto I-65 passing the now closed, adult bookstore, aka the Lion's Den.
So I came up with the idea, since all these people are against it and such, something came up about religion, and so I said, "well, let them have a little battle, open them up side by side and whomever has the most sales in one year gets to stay open, no questions asked, the loser closes never to return..." Dewes thought it was brilliant, and yeah, it sounds pretty good something like "split the bike in two, and the the true lover of the bike would say no, you take the bike, I want to see it whole, and then they get the bike because they demonstrated the love for it"..... Well something similar to that....
But yeah, it would be such a religious stage I would crap myself....think about it, on one end you would have all the sinners at the adult bookstore, and the other end, all those going to heaven...heck, we could even name the stores "heaven" and "hell"...have them joined side by side....Though as to not confuse the sinners of buying the wrong movie and wondering when "the Mary Magdalene chick is going to fuck the Jesus dude", we would have to have some sort of gap in between them..And then I thought naturally of purgatory...A guy enters with his wife and friends..His friends go to Hell while his wife goes to Heaven, he doesn't want to upset anyone so he just sits around and waits in Purgatory....From there it became a coffee shop and renamed "Perkatory"....
Then I thought, though this sounds all great, it's still missing something, or something is flawed....And then I knew, it was the design of it all...Right next to Hell is I-65, so there is the highway to hell, but where is the stairway, so it must be that Heaven be no on the side of Hell, but above it! And of course in between you could still have Purgatory, that would have an elevator or escalator..and hen hell could de subdivided into seven rooms, the last being the coldest..And maybe outside have some "rivers" around the place....Hell, I think that would be an attraction alone to put Lowell on the map....
Alright, enough babble, I'm too crazy for this....
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