Taking Many Pisses...
or am I just pissed....
Yeah, last night wasn't a good night for me...I was in a pissy type of mood, but it's a conditional pissyness if that's possible..I wasn't outright attacking everyone in sight, but if you were the wrong person and you came by me you got the outlash..kinda hard to explain..hell I don't even knowwhat brought about it, and as I said, it wasn't a constant thing, wel I suppose the demon burrowed inside was just festering, but I didn't show it all the time...hell, the way I dressed let people know I was in a good mood..yeah last night I had some target pj's on I got from brooke awhile back and I was wearing a nice orange hunters hat...going with the orange clan thing..anyways, I was relatively in a good mood, but certain things pissed me of and I let it get to me and let it out as well....
but like I said, it was a violent angry pissed, it was a fed up, what's it all worth pissed....hell I saw what was going on in the backroom and left to work on flow...yeah, me the anti "flow smells" flow person I am went out to work the floor..I was asked a couple times to come to the back, but I had already started several projects and were tending to them "screw the backroom" was shouted from me whenever I passed by the doors, ahh, fitting in with flow..
and even now, the end the my night/day, still in that mood..I swerved at the SUV that was all over the road a moment ago, bastards....
but on a lighter note, I punched out with 39 hours and still have to work tonight, and they are letting me work tonight, hell yes overtime....
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