New Chapter...
...or should i say, revised chapter
alright...well let's start off with yesterday.....i can't really remember what happened in the morn', but i do remember being very bored...oh yeah, i got rudly awakened here at the office, then i bummed around....after finally starting to go stir crazy i made i stated in that post...then later i made one more call to vince, he was in town!!!! so i came over and we played monopoly...and played and played...good god how it was the highlight of my day...i've been wanting to play monopoly for awhile now....but yeah the game lasted to the wee hours of the night, with elizabeth being victorious, even after the bankrupt merger of A&W...
after the game had ended, so cliche to land on boardwalk with a hotel on it as the game ender....we sat around and read, then we took note how we had to be the lamest group of 20 year olds around, sat night, sitting around reading...i looked at my watch and commented how we should have been wasted by now, with others adding in dancingv naked on the table and such..good times.....and then that's all she wrote, how tired asses crashed in our respective places..i think it was the thrill of monopoly thart wore me out....
so then that brings me to today...sleeping my life away agian, grrrr but lindsey met up with me, for what who knows, i just kinda sat around here in the blue room, showed he the journals i read, then she played with my phone and i showed her my pics online.......she would ask who is that, or i would ask her do you know who that is....seeing who she knew started to mess with me....she knows billy, and about the breakup, and i guess they hang out and talk about cars within their group..she knew duncan...even went to his open house..which i did not attend, and i don't remember why, i know there was a then she recognized the name baiel...then she knew barcus, this sent an instant signal to me, i kept qustioning how she knew him....and after all the talks it cam out she knew me before this time...whereas i thought i just met her at alco....i sat in shock, i didn't know what to say...this damn person knew me before i thought we's not stalkerish, just a fault on my part for not remembering meeting her before.....but then everything started to fit into place, which scared me even the comment, "oh yeah, you're the one who likes the squirrels" which sh made after seeing a card i bought...remembering to a time when we met and seinfeld was on or something......and then the comment, "oh, and i bet you take salt shakers as well" remembering a conversation either from me, or someone else about my collection of salt shakers......admn, it's a small world after all...and i got to remember people a little bit better, even if we did meet for 10 minutes..
so yeah, life just got a little more fucked up....that's all from this blue box, i'm hungry
Mmmm I think there’s something going on with Lindsay, I know you’re still into Brooke, I’m just talking about Lindsey...
btw I like it when someone quote Seinfeld and/or tries to imitate Jerry lool
Also “we took note how we had to be the lamest group of 20 year olds around, sat night, sitting around reading...”
Not on my watch! lol
I forgot to mention this: it’s not that the world is small, the world is huge lol but people usually said “it’s a small world” because that person has a certain interests, and share those interests and likes with other people; plus you’re in the same neighborhood and it’s not a big city or town. I mean if you met someone from Canada and you had friends in common, that would be odd.
That’s just something I learned at college. You and your friend share the same social circles, so it’s not that random.
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