Thursday, September 04, 2003


So I'm here, doing good doing was work, enjoyable...i really don't have much to say....maybe a couple things....
This Red Cavalier guy is sprouting around the web...well on xangas that is....i think he made his first appearance on my Xanga with a comment on a bumper sticker a red cavalier had on it....and now he's harassing other people as well, well the coment towards me wasn't harassing but still....he derived the name from the damn i know the person must know me, and therefore reads this as well, so if you do, make a comment on here....we're wondering who you really are...
moving on....
Zach, I am calling upon you for some help on a little project, it'll be fun, and i'm sure you'll get a kick out of it iof you're interested, leave a coment or call me.....
funny how there used to be only one person who called me after 10pm.....then came in asian tony.....but now, two totally different people are taking that spot.....damn, why must i be the protector...
well that's all for now....working on my public announcement, sticking with the origianl idea, as is well

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