Thursday, September 11, 2003

It's 2 a.m......Do You Know Where You're Thoughts Are?

So I think I have figured out this life thing.....yeah I know what you're thinking..why do you think you know the meaning to life...well I know the meaning of life's actually quite simple, if you try searching, then you're's one of those yoda things, you got to figure it out on you're own...and if I told you, you would want something more, that's why you have to do it yourself...

but as always I have bad timing....I have so bad of timing I'm surprised my car doesn't joke referring to bad timing...whenever i try to do something, it always seems i should have done it sooner, or waited a bit longer...leave too early, should've waited a coupe more minutes...yeah well, maybe one day i'll catch a break..i hope this doesn't effect my music career and make me a beat off...god i could go 12 places with that comment...

i need something, not sure what, but just go with me here, maybe this trip down to Terre Town..haha, not gary...will be the trick, but who knows...maybe i won't return....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Jason 2020. this guy from 2003 had found THE answer
I hope you still remember it